Rachel2592's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Rachel2592's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Rachel, I love this painting of the house, you know houses are my favorite. Good job. Love Grandma Betty Joyce
- on May 22, 2009
Your penguin rocks!
- on April 17, 2009
Rachel, This is really pretty. Great job. Grandma Betty Joyce.
- on April 17, 2009
Rachel, Great job. Keep up the good work! Love Grandma Betty Joyce
- on April 17, 2009
Rachel, Really great art work!! Love Grandma and Grandpa
- on February 27, 2008
Keep up the great work! From DAD
- on February 7, 2008
Super job! Love the scarf and hat. Talk to you later! Love, Grace
- on February 7, 2008