Wow! Emily. What a beautifully colorful weaving project. I think you have quite a talent for weaving. You've paid attention to all the little details to make it look fantastic. Good work! Love, Miss Deanna
- on May 22, 2009
Good job, Em! This is really beautiful. Love, Aunt Leigh Anne
- on May 22, 2009
I love your weaving Emily! You are a great artist! Love, Mommy
- on May 22, 2009
I love this picture Em, very nice job!!! Love, Aunt Linda
- on January 13, 2009
Beautiful art work, Emily!!
- on January 13, 2009
Oh WOW! These just keep getting better and better and better! You're so talented, and I'm glad we had a chance to draw together on Thanksgiving! Love, Aunt Leigh Anne
- on January 13, 2009
Wow, Emily! This is truly beautiful. Nice work. Miss Deanna
- on January 13, 2009
Every time I pick a favorite, you make something more beautiful! I love this picture! Love, Mommy
- on December 1, 2008
Oh wow, I love the solar system! Thanks, Emily! Love, Aunt Leigh Anne
- on November 19, 2008
- on November 18, 2008
Wow, Emily. What a beautiful leaf. I love fall -- my favorite season. Your leaf reminds me why I love it so much -- the colors, the leaves. So pretty. Love, Miss Deanna
- on November 18, 2008
Wow! What a beautiful way to capture the season! You're so talented, and I'm very proud of you. Love, Aunt Leigh Anne
- on November 18, 2008
I love your picture Emily! Such beautiful fall colors! Love, Mommy
- on November 17, 2008
That is really neat, Emily! Nice work. -Miss Deanna
- on October 17, 2008
Neat chalk drawing. A sure sign of summer when the artist's studio moves from the kitchen table to the pavement outside. Looks like you are enjoying your summer vacation!
- on June 12, 2008
Wow! Cool volcano, Emily. run for the hills -- the lava's coming your way!!! :) Nice work. Very creative.
- on June 12, 2008
Wow! I really love the stained glass series you've got going on here, Emmy - keep up the good work! xoxo Aunt Leigh Anne
- on February 13, 2008
george never looked so good it's mooooviless aunt lu
- on February 13, 2008
beautiful!!!!!!!! aunt lu
- on February 13, 2008
Emily, your stained glass piece is really neat! I love how you used the letters in your name, and I can't wait to hear how you guys created these amazing pieces of art! Love, Miss Deanna
- on February 13, 2008
Awesome snowman, Emily! -Miss Deanna :)
- on January 25, 2008
That's great Emily.
- on January 25, 2008
Emily, this is so beautiful! You have a lot of talent, and I'm really proud of you. Love, Aunt Leigh Anne
- on January 20, 2008
That is the best snowman ever! I love it! Mommy
- on January 17, 2008
I'm impressed. It's so hard to make staight lines. Love, Aunt Lu
- on January 16, 2008
I love your snowman. Did you make this out of tissue paper? Love Aunt Lu
- on January 16, 2008
Wow, Emily! This is really pretty - it looks like stained glass, which I love! Hope to see more of your work here soon. Love, Aunt Leigh Anne
- on December 7, 2007
I love your picture, baby! Can't wait to see more! Love, Mommy
- on December 7, 2007
Hi Emily! I love your art work. It's great!! ((Hugs))