Denezia1's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Denezia1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Denezia, That is the most beautiful Aboriginal art I have ever seen. The colors are radiant and it is a beautiful design. Keep up the good work. Nicosia
- on October 18, 2008
hey D+D it's tare who are you doing got my email girl miss you and everyone wish i could see you again
- on October 18, 2008
Great job Denezia, I learned something new today! Thanks for sharing your wonderful art!
- on April 19, 2008
Good morning granddaughter, again this is another work of art and I love it. You are getting better with each project. I'm so proud of you, keep up the good work Love you Grandma
- on April 19, 2008
Hi Denezia, I think your picture is beautiful. You look like an Egyptian too. You Go Girl! Please ask your mom to write that letter for me!! Be blessed! Mrs. N
- on April 19, 2008
Hey babygirl, I received you art work of the self-portrait of the egyptian god, its a good picture but frankly darling I think you are much prettier than this chick. Keep up the good work. Love you. See you soon Grandma
- on February 9, 2008
this is tare again could you be my fan i have no fans?
- on January 24, 2008
this is your best friend tareonna this is great I wish mine looked like that well mine kind out do it is so good I though it was mine you are a arties.
- on January 24, 2008
hey denezia i love your piece of art it look very creative. i love how you decorated it keep up the good work. from your friend keosha
- on December 9, 2007
Hey Denezia, That is an awesome mask. Keep up the good work. Your art is getting better and better every day. I can't wait to see your next piece! Mrs. Nicosia
- on December 9, 2007
Baby girl this is so nice I had to order a tee shrit with the mask on it. Good Job. Let me know the day you are avaulable to go Xmas shopping, I know you are so busy. Love ya much, Grandma
- on December 1, 2007
Oh, Nookah I love this piece of art! This looks like a mask that a professional made. Your choice of color and other materials used shows tha you really know what you're doing and that you're very creative. Keep up the good work!!! MOM
- on November 30, 2007
Hey noodles, your art work is wonderful. This would be great to put on a tee shirt. I am so proud of you. Have you made you Xams list yet, make it soon because you know grandma is slightly poor and I need time to save my pennies.Love you much, Keep up th good work. GRANDMA
- on November 10, 2007
great job u rock
- on November 10, 2007
Hey Denezia i love your art work. it's the most beatiful thing i've ever seen. keep up the good work. From Denezia
- on November 8, 2007
Hey, baby I love this picture! It doesn't look like your normal moon. You were very creative with the eyes, nose, and mouth. You are destined to be a doctor and an ARTIST!! Mom
- on November 8, 2007
Hi Denezia, Keep up the good work, the picture is beautiful!!!!! Mrs. Nicosia
- on November 8, 2007
Dear Denezia: I love your art work, keep up the good work. Love Ya! Auntie Magic
- on October 30, 2007
Good morning my granddaughter. I'm so proud of you and the work that you are doing. Stau focused and keep up the good work. By the way we haven't been on a shopping spree and lunch in a while, I think its time to make a date to do that. Love you much Granma
- on October 30, 2007
Hi Denezia, That is a fantastic mat! I hope I showed you how to do them first, Ha Ha, Ha. I hope to see some more great pieces of art that you create. Keep up the good work. Mrs. Nicosia
- on October 25, 2007
Nezzi, I love your woven mat. I love the choice of colors and shapes. The yarn on the ends really stood out! Keep up the good work and I look forward to your next piece of art.
- on October 25, 2007