Taitum53's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Taitum53's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow!! This is cosmic! I really like the depth you show by overlapping the planets. Nice work, Tait!!
- Grandma Breitholtz on February 2, 2024
We love the fish aquarium . Great colors!
- Grandma Breitholtz on October 25, 2023
Your drawing (collage) of the turtles is wonderful especially with the background you provided. You even show depth in the picture with the front turtle being bigger! Great job, Tait!!
- Grandma Breitholtz on April 5, 2023
Wow, Tait! This looks like a budding Cezanne. I like your use of colors and simple line contours. VERY NICE!!!
- Grandma Breitholtz on March 1, 2023
This is fantastic, Tait!!! I can't wait to see more of your art work. Love, Grandma B
- Grandma Breitholtz(fan) on October 19, 2022