The colors of the city are so beautiful against the whites, grays and blacks of the trees. I love it!
- Tracey (Mother) on February 8, 2024
Hi Matthew, I love all the little designs inside the letters, especially the musical notes inside the H! Keep up the good work buddy!! Xoxoxo
- Grandma on February 8, 2024
I love this snowy picture!! Birch trees are my favorite! It looks so quiet and peaceful! I love you Matthew!
- Grandma on February 8, 2024
Matthew, I LOVE this Small World hotel design! Love Dad
- Kurt (Father) on December 19, 2023
Hi Matthew! I love this picture!! I bought a magnet with this picture on it for my refrigerator. I will think of you every time I see it!! I love you!! Grandma
- Ann on August 2, 2023
I love your snowperson. Her eyes are so pretty and scarf so colorful! Let’s make a real one this winter if we ever get enough snow! I love you buddy!!
- Grandma on January 18, 2023
Interesting! Is she flying? You are so artistic!
- Ann on January 18, 2023
Hi Matthew, I love this little guy. You made his hair look so real and the colors and patterns on his clothes are so bright and lovely!! You are such a good artist!! Love you, Grandma
- Ann on March 16, 2022
Beautiful picture of the winter sky Matthew!! You are such a good artist! We love you! GG
- Ann on March 16, 2022
Dear Matthew, I wanted to let you know that I love the beautiful colors that you put into your leaf picture! It is so pretty!! I also love you!! Grandma
- Ann on December 13, 2021
That picture would like great in my home office. I will try to print it!
- Grandpa on October 6, 2021
I love this Matthew!! Very colorful!!
- Grandma on September 29, 2021
I love your birds nest! Especially the Blue Jay!! So cute! I love you buddy!! Grandma
- Ann on June 16, 2021
Hi Matthew, I love how colorful you made your hot air balloon! You are such a good artist!! I love you, Grandma
- Ann(fan) on April 5, 2021
GREAT job, Matthew!! You are incredibly gifted! Love, Dad