Zoe14468's Comments (67)

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Below are comments about Zoe14468's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job Zoe keep up the great work. ??
- Lolo on November 2, 2023
Great job Zoe keep up the great work. ??
- Lolo on November 2, 2023
Very nice colors Zoe. Keep up the great work. ??
- Lolo on November 2, 2023
That’s a wonderful picture Zoe ??
- Lolo on November 2, 2023
Very nice picture Zoe. ??
- Lolo on November 2, 2023
Great job Zoe ??
- Lolo on November 2, 2023
Great job Zoe ??
- Lolo on November 2, 2023
That is a beautiful 4 leaf clover, you did a great job.
- Lolo on November 2, 2023
Love it ZoZo !! xoxo??
- Lola on November 2, 2023
- Lola on February 1, 2023
Sweetheart, this is your best picture this school year! Keep up the great work! Pretty soon you’ll be as good as your mother. Love Popo!
- Greg on February 1, 2023
That is a very nice baby Jesus.
- Lolo on February 1, 2023
Good job Zoe, very nice colors. ??
- Lolo on February 1, 2023
Beautiful artwork Zoe ??
- Lolo on February 1, 2023
Good job Zoe, that’s very colorful. ??
- Lolo on February 1, 2023
Wow !! I love it ?? ??Lola
- Lola on February 1, 2023
So pretty Zoe’ Love Lola
- Lola on March 9, 2022
Very pretty colors Zoe, keep up the good work. ??
- Lolo on March 9, 2022
Happy Valentine’s Day Zoe ??
- Lolo on March 9, 2022
Happy Valentine’s Day Zoe ??
- Lolo on March 9, 2022
Love love love !! Love, Lola
- Lola on March 9, 2022
Such a beautiful picture Zoe, keep up the great work. ??
- Lolo on March 9, 2022
Awesome!!!!! Love Lola
- Lola on March 9, 2022
That is so beautiful Zoe’ !! Lola loves you ??
- Lola on March 9, 2022
That is a beautiful heart, great job Zoe. ??
- Lolo on March 9, 2022
Awesome job Zoe ??
- Lolo on March 9, 2022
Awesome job Zoe ??
- Lolo on March 9, 2022
I love your beautiful artwork Zoe!
- Grandma on December 22, 2021
Very nice colors Zoe, keep doing a good job. ????
- Lolo on December 22, 2021
Great Job!! Beautiful Colors !!
- Lola on December 15, 2021
Beautiful work ZoZo !! Lola loves you ????
- Lola on December 15, 2021
Very nice looking trees Zoe, it will be Christmas pretty soon. ????
- Lolo on December 15, 2021
What a very colorful and good looking turkey you colored here Zoe, keep up the great work! Love popo!
- Popo on December 15, 2021
Zoe that is such a beautiful turkey, Great Job??????
- Lolo on December 15, 2021
That is a beautiful pumpkin, great job. ??
- Lolo on October 27, 2021
Beautiful Zoe Zoe !!!!
- Lola on October 27, 2021
Love it ????????????
- Lola on October 27, 2021
Beautiful Zoe’ Love you , Lola
- Lola on October 27, 2021
Those are some very good looking apples Zoe. Keep up the good work. ??
- Lolo on October 27, 2021
Beautiful work Zo Zo !!
- Lola on October 27, 2021
Z Is for Zoe’ great work sweetness !! Love you??
- Lola on October 27, 2021
Beautiful colors Zoe keep up the good work. ??
- Lolo on October 27, 2021
That’s a great job with your colors Zoe, keep up the good work. Love you, Lolo.
- Lolo on September 22, 2021
Beautiful picture of the Northern Lights ZoZo !! I love you ??
- Lola on June 26, 2021
Zoe that is absolutely beautiful, I love the way you use the different colors. Keep up the good work. Love you, Lolo ??
- Lolo on June 26, 2021
That’s Awesome Zoe’ Love you Lola
- Lola on May 19, 2021
Love Love Love !! Great Job Zoe’ Lola’s favorite colors kisses Love Lola
- Lola on June 26, 2021
Zoe that is a beautiful picture, keep up the great work. Love you, Lolo ??
- Lolo on May 19, 2021
Love Love Love !!! Kisses Lola
- Lola on May 19, 2021
Z is for Zoe’ !!!!!! Love all your artwork sweetie Love You Lola
- Lola on May 19, 2021
Another great job Zoe, Love your artwork. ??
- Lolo on April 28, 2021
Love your art work Zoe, keep up the good work.
- Lolo on April 28, 2021
Great artwork Zoe, you will be knitting even bigger things with more yard before we know it! Keep up the good work honey! Love Po-po
- Greg on April 12, 2021
Love !!!!! Kisses, Lola
- Lola on April 12, 2021
Love Love Love Kisses, Lola
- Lola on April 12, 2021
BEAUTIFUL!! love you , Lola
- Lola on April 12, 2021
Zoe we love seeing all your great art work. Keep up the good work. Love you, Lolo
- Lolo on March 31, 2021
Oh I absolutely LOVE this ! xoxo?? Love Lola
- Lola on March 23, 2021
Great Job Zoe’ !!!!! Love Lola
- Lola(fan) on March 23, 2021
I love your wonderful pictures of the alphabet!! Love Lola??
- Lola(fan) on March 23, 2021
Hi Zoe! Popo told how much he has enjoyed your artwork so I had to check it out. This one is my favorite but I love them all! And I love you too! Grandma
- Grandma on March 15, 2021
Dear Zoe, I really love your artwork that you are doing at school. Keep up the good work and I hope you’re having fun! Love, Po-po
- Greg on March 11, 2021
Hi Zoe, you’re fast becoming a good artist like your mommy. Keep up the good work at school we are all very proud of you! Love Po-po
- Greg on March 11, 2021
Hello Zoe! Another fun artwork by my favorite artist “ZOE”! Keep up with the good fun stuff you’re doing at school. We are very proud of you! ???? Love always po-po ??
- Greg on March 11, 2021
Zoe, I love your artwork! Keep up the great work! Love, po-po
- Po-po on March 11, 2021
Another beautiful picture! Keep up with the great artwork Zoe! It kinda looks like a turtle, hahaha Love po-po
- Greg on March 4, 2021
Zoe, You are a wonderful little artist just like your mommy! I just love your picture! Love, po-po
- Greg on March 4, 2021