Tamzen3's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Tamzen3's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Tamzen! What a wonderful surprise!! Your lovely and unique name is identical to your choice of colors in showcasing it’s beautiful hues and shapes. So much work and artistry was put into this project. We love you so much and look forward to receiving more of your future masterpieces.??
- Grandma on November 28, 2022
hi honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow look at your beautiful graffiti lettering!!!! i love it and i love the alternating pink and purple. what are those cool sparkly doodads in the bottom corners? i love you, love mom xoxoxoxoxoxo
- mom on November 28, 2022
Hi Rosebud!! Once again we are the luckiest grandparents ever to be able to enjoy your Fabulous art work! This piece of art reminds me of some fashion fabric or wallpaper that is Retro style. I love the colors and the mixing of so many shapes to get a well balanced design. I see a definite flair for fashion design in your future! We love you so much and are thrilled to get and inside view of all your amazing work!!????. Grandma and Dido
- Grandma on May 18, 2022
Hi my Rosebud!! What a wonderful surprise in my email box today!! Your new art masterpiece!! Just seeing orange seals immediately made me smile! Our family is very partial to Seals. Your picture portrays two happy friends playing together. Your imagination is super and your affinity to art and all species of the universe will come in handy when your dream of becoming a veterinarian is fulfilled!! We love you to the moon and beyond.
- Grandma on May 18, 2022
Hi Tamzen! Wow!!’ We love your new artistic masterpiece!! You certainly are a fabulous artist. This piece is so bright and happy. It reminds us of happy little dancers dancing around a very well lighted space with all shapes joining in on all the fun. Your art screams of your delightful and outgoing personality. Thank you for sharing it with us. We love seeing your exceptional artwork. Love, Grandma and Dido??????????????????
- Grandma on March 9, 2022
??The Hand I'm going to get a mask with the " on it, won't it be fun ??Mumzee
- Mumzee on March 9, 2022
Hi My Dear. Haji and I?? your tree! Can't wait to buy some presents for ourselves for Christmas. I love the T-shirt with the o So excited to see u Saturday. ????????Mumzee Haji Eloise
- Mumzee on March 9, 2022
Hi Rosebud!!! This picture is so beautiful. I love how you blended the colors! You are so artistic and have been since you were a young girl coloring in the lines. In this picture the different etching on the tree bark is so original, interesting and beautiful all at the same time. Keep doing exactly what you are doing and we will surely see your work displayed in a very prominent art gallery! We love you to the moon and back Tamzen. Love, Grandma and Dido
- Dale on March 9, 2022
Hi Rosebud!!! Once again we are in absolute delight to receive your newest artwork!! This one is particularly awesome because it reminds us of the outdoors and nature. Dido says it looks like the mountains he experienced coming to the USA!!! We are thankfully collecting some very precious magnets with your artwork that we will proudly place on our refrigerator!!!! Keep up the magnificent job!!! Love, Grandma and Dido
- Grandma(fan) on May 4, 2021
hi sweetie, WOWZA. that is something ELSE. the 3d effect reminds me of those box gadgets with the pins that you push in to save your handprint. it's lovely!!!! i can't wait to hang it on the wall soon. xo
- desiree (Mother) on March 8, 2021
Tamzen!!! This is so much fun!! We have been following your artwork for a very long time! It is so nice to write about the joy we get from this beautiful and colorful hand artwork. Love everything about, especially the colorful hues used so artistically!! Keep up the good work!!
- Grandma(fan) on March 8, 2021
Tamzen: I LOVE this.....really talented to make the hand look 3 dimensional! Great colors and spacing......i wish we could make a beach blanket out of this! Show us more!!!! LOVE, Dad
- jay (Father) on March 3, 2021