Ella23710's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Ella23710's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Pretty cool snowman!
- Grandma And Papa on January 26, 2022
Beautiful colors. This is one of your best pictures yet! Keep up the good work.
- Grandma And Poppop on December 8, 2021
Oh my, the colors you have chosen are fantastic!! Keep up the good work. PopPop and I love to see your work.
- Grandma And Poppop(fan) on October 20, 2021
Oh my, the colors you have chosen are fantastic!! Keep up the good work. PopPop and I love to see your work.
- Grandma And Poppop(fan) on October 20, 2021
Great job, Ella. That is beautiful. Love you, Grandma Lynne and Papa
- Lynne on October 11, 2021
- Grandma And Papa on March 3, 2021
Ella, Thank you for inviting us to see your artwork. This picture of a bird in a tree is beautiful!! We love the colors that you chose and the love that is shown from the hearts. We cannot wait until you post another picture.
- Grandma And Poppop(fan) on February 10, 2021
Good job Ella! Grandma & Papa really enjoy looking at your art work. Keep it up!
- Grandma And Papa(fan) on February 10, 2021