Elyse1308's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Elyse1308's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Elyse, all I can say is wow! Keep up the good work.
- Jackie on January 19, 2022
Elyse, I love the bright colors you used on this drawing. What a cute and colorful cat. Fantastic art work.
- Jackie on November 10, 2021
Elyse, I love this piece of art. You are not only a great crafter but now I am seeing an artist as well. Great job! Aunt Jackie
- Jackie on November 10, 2021
Elyse, very colorful drawing! Great color and artistic design which makes the picture very interesting and a great way to view your art! Your art continues to improve and makes anxious to see your next picture! Great work!
- Papi on October 20, 2021
What a great piece of art! Your design and colors are very interesting and I can see the great improvement you have made. I really enjoy seeing your art and creativity!! Keep up the good work! It is very enjoyable to me. I’m looking forward to your next piece. Keep the great work and design!
- Papi on October 20, 2021
This is a great piece of art! It is very colorful and well laid out. You are showing a very unique art style and it really appeals to the art I enjoy!! I am looking forward to more of your artwork! Keep up your own style as you do more. Great job!!
- Papi on October 20, 2021
Elyse, Great chalkboard art!. If I were in school I would love to have your artwork drawn on my chalkboard. It is very interesting and makes me think about a lot of things. You have a very creative design. It makes me think whether I could do the same. Hmm ! Papi
- Papi on May 26, 2021
Elyse, what a great job you did with this artwork. I can see by your design, that you spent a lot of time thinking about the colors you chose and they were were just perfect! I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future. Keep up the good work! Papi
- Rich on April 28, 2021
Hi Elyse! You did a great job on your art. I especially loved the hearts. Very nice!
- Jackie on April 28, 2021
Elyse, what a great and colorful alphabet!! I’m impressed with how well you laid out the design and colors. Your artwork is better and better! You have a good sense of color and accuracy in your layout. I’m looking forward to your next artwork!!
- Rich on April 28, 2021
Wow Elyse!!! Great job of drawing our American flag!! It is colorful and very accurately drawn. I will put a picture of it in my office. Super job!!! Can’t wait to see your next drawing!!
- Rich(fan) on February 10, 2021
That is such a beautiful flag, I just love it. Great job!
- Jackie on February 10, 2021