Samantha4734's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Samantha4734's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This looks good enought to eat. YUM. You continue to improve - we enjoy seeing what you have created and appreciate these email notifications so we can keep up with your work. We are proud of you and love you very much - you are very special to us. Grandma Martha and Papa Dave
-- Martha
- on May 6, 2013
Sam this is lovely. What a great job, I love the trees and blossoms - they look so good. You are a fine artist but, more importantly, you are a wonderful person. We are so proud that you are our Granddaughter. Love you Grandma & PaPa
-- Martha
- on December 9, 2011
Sam - your art is good, such creativity (that means you have good ideas). I don't think I have seen you do anything like this in our work room upstairs. Good job Love You Grandmother Also PaPa took a look and thinks you did great - he said to tell you that for him.
- on February 24, 2009