Elizabeth30848's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Elizabeth30848's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Ellie, I love your creative use of letters and shapes! Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed seeing your artwork. lots of love, Amma
- Amma on October 7, 2023
Ellie....I LOVE this drawing!! See you soon??????
- Gramps on October 7, 2023
WOW! I see she's winking at me??. And, I love the flower on her hat! Love you ??
- Gramps on June 15, 2022
Hi Ellie, She is wearing a very fun, cool spring hat. I love the sunshine and looks like she may be at the beach - one of my favorite places. I enjoyed this picture that you created. Hugs, Amma
- Amma on June 15, 2022
Hi Ellie, I love your happy, dancing cow. Your drawing made me smile. I think I see a surprise ghost in the sky too. What a fun picture! Love, Amma
- Amma on December 8, 2021
Ellie, I love these colorful ladybugs heading in different directions - very fun. Love, Amma
- Amma on May 26, 2021
Ellie, you really have such a beautiful and colorful style. I love all your art work and I love you!
- Zuma on May 19, 2021
Dear Ellie, Congratulations on your Portfolio Award. I’m so happy to see your artwork. I love your bold creative colors. Each piece, the flowers, girl and cat, looks so vibrant and happy. They made me smile. Love, Amma
- Amma(fan) on May 13, 2021
Such a beautiful portrait Ellie. You are a great little artist.
- Zuma on April 29, 2021
Ellie, that is one crazy colorful cat! I love your amazing imagination and creativity! I wish there were really cats that were so cool looking! Wouldn’t that be fun!! Love you and am sending you lots of hugs and kisses!
- Zuma on April 29, 2021