Delaney5093's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Delaney5093's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this cute little guy, Delaney, the eyes must have been difficult to make and attach to the body. Great color choice too!
- Dad on May 8, 2024
This drawing makes me feel like I am headed into the mountains, preparing for a hunt, a hike, or both. The rendering of the trees is so real - really enjoying the whole scene.
- Gammaw on March 27, 2024
No mistaking D, as your dad calls you. The work is so typical of your kooky, free-spirited way of expression. Really enjoyed it!
- Gammaw on October 18, 2023
What a creative drawing Delaney! I love the colors and how you have assembled the letters!!
- Dad on October 18, 2023
My Delaney, What a peaceful, and beautiful depiction of sailing. Reminds me of summer, full of color and freedom. Great job. Love, Gammaw
- Roxanne on June 7, 2023
My Delaney, this piece is great! It reminds me of the cat you requested for your birthday. It also reminds me of a baby dear. Fun, colorful, and warm. Love, Gammaw
- Roxanne on June 7, 2023
Nice work D, I really feel a sense of winter here. I like how you faded the edges, and added the snowflakes ??
- Dan (Father) on March 2, 2023
I love your folk art and how you gave this picture depth! Nicely done D!! Also, very creative use of hearts and stars in the landscape!
- Dan (Father) on March 2, 2023
Great replica of Gammaw with curlers. Great, bright color combinations. Gammaw
- Roxanne on December 7, 2022
That is some CRAZY hair Delaney! I love the many vivid colors. You included green… my favorite color!
- Dad on November 9, 2022
Oh so, Beautiful!
- Roxanne/Gammaw on May 11, 2022
Oh so, Beautiful!
- Roxanne/Gammaw on May 4, 2022
I love it! As an art lover, I think it is great that you have created a snowman that looks and feels so warm.
- Gammaw on March 9, 2022
What a beautiful piece, my Delaney. I would love to have a barette like this. Great colors, creative shape, and lots of imagination! Love it! Thank you for sharing. Love, Gammaw
- Gammaw on February 2, 2022
Hey, my Delaney The first thing I thought was, what a beautiful race track you have made for this little cars; then, I thought, I would love a hairpiece that looks like that. Beautiful colors with a light texture. Beautiful, made my day.
- Gammaw on February 2, 2022
I love your fish Delaney!! I feel like I’m swimming right next to him.
- Dad on June 2, 2021
Delaney, this is so pretty! I love the bright colors and the contrast against the gray background! Love, Dad
- Dan (Father) on April 27, 2021
I think you captured the features of a cat perfectly...looks just like Grendel!
- Fawn (Mother) on December 22, 2020
Delaney, The self-portrait really captures your beautiful eyes. And you are dressed in one of your favorite colors - purple. Love it!
- Roxanne(fan) on January 13, 2021
Delaney, The self-portrait really captures your beautiful eyes. And you are dressed in one of your favorite colors - purple. Love it!
- Roxanne(fan) on January 13, 2021
Great Job Delaney!! I love the big smile and the pretty red flowers!!
- Dan (Father) on December 3, 2020