Everett2522's Comments (39)

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Below are comments about Everett2522's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Cool lava lamp Ev!! Love Dad
- Daddy on May 8, 2024
Nice job shading on these vessels. Those wild colors in the background really make the shading POP out!
- Grandpa F on November 29, 2023
Yikes! I think I'll stay away from the Human Skunk... (who is that anyway?)
- Robert on November 29, 2023
Can I borrow your cape Cool Boy? (Teach me how to use it first!)
- Robert on November 29, 2023
Your Dragon reminds me of the Piasa Bird which is painted on the cliffs outside of Alton, my hometown. Remind me and I'll show you a photo of it.
- Robert on November 29, 2023
I'll agree that your mother is indeed the Doctor of Love! I'm sure she would enjoy those spring boots... (I know that I would!)
- Robert on November 29, 2023
Wouldn't it be great to have those super powers... as well as a hover board?
- Robert on November 29, 2023
Wow... Sassy indeed!
- Robert on November 29, 2023
I'll agree with your statement about this being a great oak tree. What fun details and colors in the sky!
- Robert on November 29, 2023
Hey I believe I know that handsome boy with rainbow colors in the background!
- Robert on November 29, 2023
How fun to see two faces merged into one with vivid colors contrasting using warm and cool!
- Robert on November 29, 2023
I love the two different faces bubs! Love Dad
- Daddy on November 29, 2023
I could see different animal silhouettes as you get further into your animation. Fun work.
- Grandpa F on November 29, 2023
Everett tells me that his parents never show him these comments - but I am writing one, just in case that ever changes. I love his creative solution to the problem of how to use a color wheel to make a new picture. The leprechaun is so cute!
- Grandma F. on May 10, 2023
Nice job E. Love your rose.
- Poppy on May 10, 2023
Great job on your beautiful rose! This is my favorite color rose! Love, Grammy
- Grammy on February 22, 2023
My goodness, I love how you got the whole scene in your picture… your details are wonderful.
- Robert on January 11, 2023
It looks like you actually counted the threads to carefully do a pattern of stitches - I admire your patience! Very cool. Maybe we could plan a weaving project for me to help you with?
- Grandma F on January 11, 2023
This is a comment about your Colors and Leaves piece -- I absolutely LOVE it! This is your best so far, I think. The details on the leaves, the shadings of color, and the contrast with the watery-looking blues and greens of the backgrounds is beautiful. Could I have this to post on our Art Wall? Pretty please? Grandma F.
- Bob And Doreen(fan) on November 2, 2022
LOVE this beautiful autumn artwork! I want to see it in person when you get to take it home. Grandpa F
- Grandpa F. on November 2, 2022
I love how your dragon is swooping down out of the sky!
- Grandpa F on November 2, 2022
I love your colorful dragon bubs! What a great drawing! Love, Dad
- Daddy on September 21, 2022
Looking good EV.
- Poppy on September 21, 2022
That dragon looks FIERCE! I love how he’s twisting mid-air, turning to face his attacker.
- Grandma on September 21, 2022
Your frog looks like he would blend into the woods around him to make it easier for him to hide. Natural selection is a wonderful thing!
- Grandpa F on May 25, 2022
The Thinker! If the Thinker were a frog. Well done, Evs!
- Aunto Dina on May 25, 2022
I love the blending of colors in the background of this piece, and I can imagine the frogs who will sit on those colorful lily pads!
- Grandma F on May 25, 2022
Nice picture Everett!
- Grammy on May 25, 2022
I really liked how you told me about all the planets in your picture. You know so much about space! I can't wait to see the stop motion animation of this artwork.
- Grandma Fritz on May 25, 2022
Such bold intense colors! Did you use oil pastels to create this picture?
- Grandpa F on May 25, 2022
This penguin looks all ready for a winter storm.
- Grandpa F on May 25, 2022
Do you keep a sketch book for art class? And... what type of animal is in the driveway?
- Grandpa F on May 25, 2022
What a beautiful fall landscape! Nice shadows under the various elements in the picture.
- Grandpa F on May 25, 2022
Excellent mysterious cat. I wonder what's on his mind?
- Grandpa F on May 25, 2022
Love this decorative pumpkin. It looks like a new mutation - combining a pumpkin with a leopard!
- Grandpa F on May 25, 2022
What a happy looking boy. I'm guessing that with the brown hair and glasses this is you!
- Grandpa F on May 25, 2022
This looks like a fast traveling UFO... nice stars in the background!
- Grandpa F on May 25, 2022
I like this Ev. I like the way you put white streaks on the red heart to give the illusion of roundness that brings it to life. Very nice Ev.
- Poppy on May 25, 2022
I LOVE seeing cardinals in the winter months. This is a particularly well drawn one. Excellent work Everett!
- Bob And Doreen(fan) on May 25, 2022