Great job Libby, keep up the good work! Love you, Grandma Sandy
- on February 13, 2009
Honey, I think this is one of my favorites!! Good job. Love mom
- on February 10, 2009
Wow Libby!!!!! I love this. Now I don't know which one is my favorite I love them all. Great job! And Happy New Year!!!!
- on February 10, 2009
Libby, What wonderful fall artwork! I love it. You picked very nice colors for this. I can't wait to see your next piece of art. Mary Jo
- on December 4, 2008
Hi Libby-Loo! I love autumn. It is my favorite time of the year. And your leaf is just gorgeous!! Have a happy Turkey Day Libby. Love ya lots, Lisa and Rascal too!
- on December 4, 2008
Libby, Your leaf is beautiful Great job! Mom
- on December 4, 2008
Libby, these are AWESOME. I'm so impressed sweety. Thanks for sharing your work for us to see. Love, Aunty Ann
- on November 24, 2008
pretty neat Libby. love it. which one is you and which on is me? I like all of your pictures. Keep Drawing. Love you. Grand ma carol
- on November 18, 2008
Libby I love you colorful self portraits!! keep up the good work. Mom
- on November 18, 2008
Libby....I love your fall artwork. It is very original! Keep up the good work. Love, Mary Jo
- on October 26, 2008
Wow Libby. We love your interpretation of "Fall"...especially the Yippy!! Nice job... Love Uncle Joe and Aunt Mares
- on October 26, 2008
Good job Libby. I love your picture. Mom
- on October 26, 2008
Hi Libby! I love your picture. Fall is my favorite season. I really like the different colors you chose. You are quite the artist! Love you, Lisa
- on October 26, 2008
libby, i am probably as exited as you are. your pictures are delightful and i am having a very difficult time mkeing a ddecision. the horse is sooooo neat. and free hand too. i'm so proud of you. keep at it hon. love you --grandma carol
- on October 26, 2008'm floored. Do the trees talk? They look so happy!! Love the colors and what a BIG HOUSE! Keep sharing. Love you. Aunt Mares
- on March 11, 2008
- on February 6, 2008
I love the horse! It's fun to see the artwork you are creating. Love, Mary Jo
- on February 4, 2008
Libby, you're doing a good job. I look forward to seeing more! Aunt Liz
- on February 4, 2008
Libby....wonderful. Was Andrew your inspiration for this piece of artwork? I love it!!! Aunt Mares
- on February 4, 2008
Just beautiful!!! I hope your dream comes true. xoxoxo - Lisa
- on February 4, 2008
Thank you Mrs. W. for putting Libby's artwork on display