Jackson30219's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Jackson30219's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great ring pop Jack!
- Grandma Maria on April 26, 2024
What a nice art project, Jack! I'm sure you had a fun creating this with all the symbols of things you enjoy! I love your choice of cheerful, bright, colors! Keep up the good work! Love you!
- Grandma Terry on November 10, 2023
Awesome Jack! That had to be a fun project! All the things you love!
- Grandma Maria on October 23, 2023
Whoa! This is so realistic, Jack! I bet it was a blast to create! Can’t wait to see it in person!
- Sharon (Mother) on May 9, 2023
Love it Jack!!! You are an amazing artist!
- Maria on April 5, 2023
Very cool project, Jackson! I love how you worked your love of dinosaurs in your name! Awesome art!
- Grandma Maria on January 2, 2023
Wow, Jack! It looks just like the real thing! Great job!
- Laura on May 25, 2022
Goodness, Jack!!! Great job on your artwork again! Hopefully we can find some frames this summer! Such attention to detail!
- Grandma Maria on May 25, 2022
What a cool project, Jack! I love how this turned out! I love the difference between the warm colors in the background and the cool colors of the balloon. Im not sure how you did this painting, but it sure is a keeper! You sure are a talented artist!
- Sharon (Mother) on February 22, 2022
Great job, Jack! I love your design and vivid colors! Great shading and what a FUN painting! Talented!
- Maria on February 16, 2022
Interesting color choice, Jack! I love how the white ties it all together! I hope you had fun exploring with this project!
- Sharon (Mother) on December 5, 2021
Jack, this looks so cool! I love your design!
- Marley(fan) on December 5, 2021
Love this one, Jack! So colorful and beautifully created! Keep working hard and trying new things!
- Sharon (Mother) on October 8, 2021
This is LOVELY! So vibrant and colorful! The popsicle sticks look like a table! Very clever!
- Sharon (Mother) on May 20, 2021