Oliver9272's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Oliver9272's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oliver, I love this piece!!! All the different colors you used are so interesting. The tissue paper makes the hearts look like they floating in water to me. I had never heard of the artist you studied, so I learned about him through your art. I’m always excited to see what you do next in art class. Keep creating!!!
- Yaya on March 12, 2025
Oliver, the colors you used remind me of Spring!! Love it?!! So vibrant and cheery! Love you so much?G&G
- Carol on March 12, 2025
Oliver, your self portrait is fabulous! I know 2nd grade’s color assignment was green and you did a great job of using a variety of green hues. I love the pops of blue you included! It makes your smile really stand out. I wasn’t sure that was the Nike swish logo until I enlarged the picture and saw the whole word spelled out. I love when art compels you look closer. Nice job, Buddy! Sending you hugs!
- Yaya on March 12, 2025
Oliver, G&G love your picture!! I love the color green and it blends nicely with your style!! Such a sweet smiling face! Love you sooooo much G&G
- Carol on March 12, 2025
Oliver, Grandpa and Grandma loved all your art work this year!! You are so talented!love you!!!
- Carol on June 6, 2023
Oh my goodness! Another interesting and beautiful piece of art! I’m so impressed by the different techniques that you are learning about through the artists you study. You are doing fabulous work, Oliver!!! Keep creating! Papa and I love your art and we love you!!!
- Yaya on June 6, 2023
Oh Oliver, we love your new artwork. So many bright beautiful colors!! Can’t wait to see it on our coffee cup??love you so much ??G&G(grandma and grandpa)
- Carol on January 26, 2023
Oh wow! I love, love, love this art piece, Oliver! So many beautiful colors! It makes me smile. Keep creating! ??
- Yaya on January 26, 2023
Oliver, I love your name plate-love the vibrant colors-I can tell you put a lot of work into this creation!! Love G&G
- Carol on October 12, 2022
Oliver, I love your latest artwork. The combination of blue (my favorite color) with green, red and yellow looks fantastic. Keep up the great work. Love Grandpa
- Jim on October 12, 2022
Oliver, Grandma and Grandpa love your colorful picture!!Beauiful shade of red and matching the other colors-I know you had fun drawing this picture!! Love you so much!! G and G
- Carol on June 15, 2022
Oliver, Grandma and Grandpa absolutely love “ your trash critter” especially the the eyes!!! What a wonderful imagination you have!!! Can’t wait to see it on my new coffee mug-love you so much-G and G
- Carol on April 7, 2022
Oliver, what a wonderful self portrait! You captured your handsome face perfectly, right down to your long eyelashes. I can tell you worked really hard on this. I love seeing your art. Keep creating, Oliver! OXOXO
- Yaya on March 9, 2022
Oliver, Grandpa and Grandma love your self portrait!!! We especially love your eyes and your hairstyle is just YOU!!!! Keep up the great work!! Love you so much??
- Carol on March 2, 2022
Oliver, you know Grandma and Grandpa love coffee and that beautiful picture will be on our new cups!!!! We love all the colors !! You are such a great artist!!love you so much Grandma and Grandpa
- Carol on November 24, 2021
This is my favorite thing you’ve done so far in art. I love the red flowers with the black centers. Keep creating, Oliver!??
- Yaya on November 24, 2021
Oliver, this is so cool! I’m interested in knowing how you created this. Is it a 3D piece? I can’t tell what’s in the middle. I’m hoping you can explain it to me. Maybe we could make one together. ??
- Kay on November 3, 2021
Oliver, Grandma and Grandpa love all the different colors! What a fun creation!!Love you!
- Carol on October 13, 2021
Oliver, Grandma and Grandpa love your art work-We can tell you worked really hard on all your pieces-love all the colors -keep up the great work??
- Carol(fan) on April 28, 2021
Hi Oliver, Grandpa loves your artwork, especially all of the colors. Keep up the great work Love You!!
- Jim(fan) on April 28, 2021