Shoshana85's Comments (41)

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Below are comments about Shoshana85's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love your art and you Shani. You are so talented.
- Faygie & Moshe on June 15, 2022
- Faygie & Moshe on May 18, 2022
- Faygie & Moshe on May 18, 2022
Hi Shani!! Your latest creation, the cupcake with the cherry on top is wonderful! And so detail-oriented! I especially like the accordion folds on the cupcake wrapper. And the cherry is so realistic....makes my mouth water!! Keep up the good work, sweetheart!! Love, Grandma
- Meryl on January 12, 2022
Shoshana, this is one of your BEST artworks! It's gorgeous! And it's so colorful. Thanks for sharing. Keep designing!! Love, Grandma
- Meryl on December 19, 2021
Beautiful Shani. We love your art
- Faygie & Moshe on June 23, 2021
Shani, your Saba and Savta from South Africa are so amazed at your consistently beautiful artwork. Well done. We are so proud of you.
- Faygie & Moshe on June 23, 2021
I love this Menorah Shani!! Love Tali
- Tali on June 2, 2021
Beautiful Shani! Love Tali
- Tali on June 2, 2021
well done Shani we are so proud of your art work.
- Safta and Saba on May 5, 2021
We are so proud of you Shani. Well done. Beautiful picture
- Safta and Saba on May 5, 2021
Shoshana said that they are not googly eyes they are sunglasses.
- Yehuda (Father) on April 22, 2021
Shoshana said that it's a Purim mask that has shapes on it.
- Yehuda (Father) on April 22, 2021
Shoshana said that she got the idea of the bus from an artist who painted it.
- Yehuda (Father) on April 22, 2021
She said it's an elephant.
- Yehuda (Father) on March 30, 2021
She said it's a cupcake.
- Yehuda (Father) on March 30, 2021
She said it's a bug.
- Yehuda (Father) on March 30, 2021
She said it's just a fish.
- Yehuda (Father) on March 30, 2021
Dear Shani, I love your colorful, detailed bus!! What was your inspiration? Did you see some vehicle like this one on the road? Love, Grandma
- Meryl(fan) on April 7, 2021
Dear Shani, This mask is beautiful. It looks like it was made by someone older than you; your artwork is so mature!! Please describe to me all the details. Thanks. Love, Grandma
- Meryl on April 7, 2021
Dear Shani, This cityscape reminds me of a medieval village. It has beautiful color and detail. I love your geometric shapes. Love, Grandma
- Meryl on April 7, 2021
Dear Shani, I love your elephant! I have never seen a striped elephant before! This one is unique. It is as big as the tree!! Love, Grandma
- Meryl on April 7, 2021
Dear Shani, What a beautiful bus! You have included so much colorful detail. What was your inspiration? Did you see some vehicle like this one on the road? Love, Grandma
- Meryl on April 7, 2021
Is this a shark?
- Faygie & Moshe on March 24, 2021
Can you tell us what this is supposed to be Love Safta and Saba
- Faygie & Moshe on March 24, 2021
What is this supposed to be. Love the colours Safta and Saba
- Faygie & Moshe on March 24, 2021
This is so so stunning. Love it. Safta and Saba
- Faygie & Moshe on March 24, 2021
- Faygie & Moshe on March 24, 2021
Love this Menorah Safta and Saba
- Faygie & Moshe on March 24, 2021
This looks so interesting. Can you please describe it what it is. Love you Safta and Saba
- Faygie & Moshe on March 24, 2021
Wow a purim mask. Stunning Love you Safta and Saba
- Faygie & Moshe on March 24, 2021
Shani this is so beautiful. Well done darling Safta and Saba
- Faygie & Moshe on March 24, 2021
Shani We just love your artwork. Well done darling. The bus you did is stunning. Lots of love Safta and Saba
- Faygie & Moshe on March 24, 2021
Dear Shani, your art work is soooo beautiful. Saba and Savta
- Moshe and Faygie on February 10, 2021
Shani, you've done it yet again. Your art work is just beautiful and we love your menora in pastel colors. So proud of you. Safta and Zaydie
- Faygie & Moshe(fan) on December 16, 2020
Dearest Shani, Savta and Zaydie are so amazed about your talent for art. Your drawings are beautiful and they look Soooo nice in the jewelry, the mug, and all the other items Artsonia put them on. We are so proud of you and love you very much. Love, Savta and Zaydie
- Faygie & Moshe(fan) on December 9, 2020
Dear Shoshana, The first thing I thought of when I saw this picture was that you created a whale. But I don't see a spout. So, is this actually a whale, a fish, or something else? Once again, I LOVE your choice of colors!! Love, Grandma
- Meryl on December 9, 2020
Dear Shoshana, I'm not quite sure what this picture represents. Is it a building? Please explain. I love your choice of colors, though. Love, Grandma
- Meryl on December 9, 2020
Dear Shoshana, This bug is scary and beautiful at the same time! The freakiest part is the big googly eyes! You have quite an imagination. Keep those designs coming, Shani. Love, Grandma
- Meryl on December 9, 2020
Dear Shoshana, Such a colorful menorah! You definitely should share this with your family at Chanukah! Love, Grandma
- Meryl on December 9, 2020
Dear Shoshana, I LOVE your artwork!! It combines so many great ideas you have had. The characters in the scenes look friendly. And you have drawn wonderful designs and colorful pictures. Thanks for sharing!! Love, Grandma
- Meryl on December 9, 2020