Miriam102's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Miriam102's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this new piece of art, the way you used the colors and repeating design.
-- Grandma Ruth
- on October 22, 2010
Lovely new work Miriam! Great shapes and colours! Keep up the good work.
- on May 10, 2009
Hi Miriam, This monkey reminds me of Curious George...except with colorful pajamas. I especially like the pom pom feature on her hat (is it a she or a he monkey???!!!) Keep sending your work to me! I love to get it and I love you. Grandma Sheila
- on October 30, 2008
What a beautiful picture. It makes me happy just to look at it.
- on September 25, 2008
Hi Miriam! Your cheerful sunflowers brightened this gray Wednesday morning! It took a lot of thought and work for you to cover every inch of the paper with color. I like the way you combined the green and yellow in the vase. Love, Grandma Sheila
- on September 25, 2008
Hi Miriam! I didn't know you knew how to make stars like that! I'd love to know more about that big fish. I love looking at your art work on my computer! Love, Grandma Sheila
- on September 25, 2008
What happy pictures! I love the sun and the butterfly. I'm so glad you're sharing your pictures this way, and I'll look forward to seeing new ones you make. Love, Grandma Sheila
- on November 21, 2007