Hi Daybreon: I love your newest picture. You are very talented! Keep up the good work. One day I may visit the Art Institute and see your artwork there. Love, Auntie Sandy
- on March 1, 2009
Hi Daybreon. This painting is so pretty! You are a great artist. Keep up the good work.
- on January 13, 2009
Daybreyon: I like all of your pictures; especially the day of the dead one and the shoe. But they all are wonderful. Keep up the good work!
- on July 4, 2008
Daybreon, I loved your art work. what inspired you or did you have certain themes to work with? Do you plan to continue posting your art work in 3rd grade? My favorite piece is "Waterlilies". What techniques/strokes did you used or did you just paint? I don't know if you know that your great grandmother (my mother) had a lot of artist ability that appears to be a legecy left by her. Your great uncles and aunt and me as well draw and/or paint some. You also have some cousins and your sister who are artistic as well. May you continue the legecy that your great grand mother (Helen) left us all. I look forward to seeing more of your work. I will let Joy and Jannise see your work later. Love you, Your Grandmother