This is a great picture of yourself. You are so cute!!!
- on February 28, 2009
You are very artistic! I am very impressed and look forward to seeing more.
- on February 28, 2009
I love this it looks like it's a Indian symbol.
- on January 2, 2009
I think I like this one the best! It is so pretty! Love you, Cousin Beth
- on January 2, 2009
Hi baby, I see the shoe I think you know mama's eyes are not that good anymore. I do love the color's and love the design on the yellow.
- on March 31, 2008
Anthony i love all the colors and i do see the shoe. you are having so much fun with this. I am so proud of you.
- on March 31, 2008
Anthony, I love the colors! You are a talented artist! Love, Cousin Beth
- on March 31, 2008
Hi Anthony, This is a real scary picture. You did a good job. Are you going trick or treating this year? What is your costume. Erik and Ian are pirates this year and Kirk is Gene Simmons from Kiss. Lara is going to be an angel. Their Papa made all their costumes and they look great. He did a great job. Happy Halloween to mamma and papa also. Love, Aunt Mary
- on November 8, 2007
Very nice picture Anthony. You really did a GREAT job. I am very PROUD of you. I will keep checking back to see the rest of your art work. Love you. "Grandma Dona"
- on November 8, 2007
I love the 2 heads they look like floating light bulbs
- on November 8, 2007
Anthony, Your artwork is cool! You are very artistic! Love you, Beth & Chris
- on October 27, 2007
Hi Anthony, Great Job. very colorful. Alice Cluver
- on October 27, 2007
niceeeeeee picture. it reminds me of my gold fish i had in my room when i was in high school many moonsssssssss ago. love black mommy terri
- on October 27, 2007
Hi Anthony, You did a great job on that picture. I hope to see more of your work. Do you enjoy school this year? Keep up the good work. I love you. Aunt Mary
- on October 27, 2007
Dear Anthony, This is a wonderful picture that you have created. I look forward to vieing your art work as soon as you have created another picture. Congratulations to your teacher for helping to inspire the artistry owned by yourself.
- on October 27, 2007
I love you and I love your fish!!!!!!! you are so colorful. This one reminds me of Henry.