Hello, Isabella38183 I am a Junior at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Emelia329 if you want to look me up and see my art! I like the overall idea of this piece and how you added sad as well as water to make it really seem real. I also really like how you added seaweed because it gives the piece more color. I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future!
- Emelia on June 21, 2023
Hello Isabella38183, I am a Junior at Lancaster High School. My artsonia id is Lily22074. When I saw your artwork I thought it was unique and creative. I like the way you made the background different colors for the sun setting. The flowers on the tree stand out and make this piece final. Good Job!
- Lily on May 31, 2023
Great job Izzy! Grammy Mic!
- Vicki on January 25, 2023
All your art work is beautiful
- kristine on January 25, 2023
We love seeing your artwork!! Keep up the good work ??
- Nana & Grumpa on November 9, 2022
Love this one Izzy, it’s going to on a disk for my bracelet !!