Hello Sophia36789 I am a Senior at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Linzie40 if you want to look me up and see my art! Foxes are so cute. I like that your piece has so much texture to it. Another thing is that I love how dotted lines can make a piece complete and look really cool.
- Linzie40 on January 22, 2025
Hello Sophia36789, I am a junior at Lancaster High School. My Artsonia ID is braelyn1199. This piece is amazing! I love the texture you used, the dots are very cool. The pattern is also very nice, I really like the paw patterns you did. I also love the colors you used, the orange and red look very good together. Keep up the amazing work!
- Braelyn on January 22, 2025
Hello, Sophia36789! I am a sophomore at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Maya6602 if you want to look me up and see my art! I loved your Aboriginal Inspired Dot Painting. I loved the patterns of all the dots. You have dots with many colors in the background and dots to make your shapes. I like that you filled the space around your fox with other symbols and dots. The trees and moon really set the story. Keep up the great work!