Garrett852's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Garrett852's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hello Garrett, I love this picture... Very creative. Keep up the good work. Love Nannie
- on September 28, 2009
Hey Garrett...I think I saw a bug like that at our new house. I love the picture. Keep up the good work. Love you!! Momma
- on May 7, 2009
Hey my little peanut...I love your new picture; maybe we can plant some flowers like the ones in your picture...I love you! Love, Momma
- on May 1, 2009
Hey Garrett, I love this house - Great Job. The Rainbow Fish is awesome too.... You are getting better and better... Keep up the good work. Love You Lots, Nannie
- on March 27, 2009
GREAT JOB GARRETT!!! I love the colors. Is this the one you caught while fishing? Keep up the good work! Love You Lots, Nannie
- on February 17, 2009
Hey Garrett! I love the new picture - the colors are beautiful and you did a wonderful job. Love you, Momma
- on February 17, 2009
Hey my little peanut....this is a cool picture. You are doing so well with your artwork. I am very proud of you! I love you very much!! Love, Momma
- on February 3, 2009
Hey peanut...I love your new picture! It's cool - the elf looks like Chris (big momma). Keep up the good work. I love you!!
- on January 13, 2009
Garrett I love all of your artwork - this is one of my favorites. They are all beautiful pictures. I am very proud of you. Keep up the good work. I love you - Momma.
- on January 13, 2009
Garrett! I love this fish work.............great colors! Didnt know you were such the artist....Loveya! Kellie
- on November 20, 2008
I love your line design. Garrett, I am proud of you for working so hard.
- on October 10, 2008
Garrett, Great job!!! I didn't know you were an artist! Love, Aunt Bonnie
- on October 10, 2008
Great work bud. Keep up the good work!
- on February 28, 2008
Garrett, Your work is great! Keep up the good work! Love Dad!
- on January 31, 2008