Brady8684's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Brady8684's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love your unique design Brady! I just noticed that you made a circle in the middle!.. That's really neat how you did that! When I was in school I would have loved to make artwork like this... so creative! Keep up the Great work! Love, Grandma Sue and Grandpa Mark
- Grandma Sue on March 26, 2025 NEW
This is really cool B!!!!
- Jennifer (Mother) on March 17, 2025 NEW
Love your Squares of Self Brady! Your artwork is so good! I love the car drawings, footballs, lions and other symbols ! You are getting to be quite an artist! Keep up the great work! We're so proud of you! Love, Grandma and Grandpa!
- Grandma Sue on March 17, 2025 NEW
WOW... LOVE THIS!! It reminds me of some of the artwork I did as a child way back in school. (only we did it with our first and last names) It reminds me of the 60's era!! Love all the colors you used, and the way you wrote it.... all made it very interesting to read!! This is really a original piece of artwork! You're doing so well in Art, Brady! Keep it up! Love, Grandma Sue
- Grandma Sue on January 11, 2024
Love your flying fish! I didn't know there were flying fish either, just fish that can jump out of the water. Maybe those are flying fish? Please let me know! I love your drawing and the use of bright colors too, making it very colorful and decorative! It's neat how you have it on the background that explains all about your drawing... Very creative! ... Keep up the GREAT WORK!!!
- Grandma Sue on January 11, 2024
Love your duck! Congratulations on making it for the first time with this media! IT looks like one you'd buy at the store! I think it would be so cute sitting on the shelf of your bathtub! You're doing GREAT, Brady!
- Grandma Sue on January 11, 2024
I love your picture of the tennis player/ ping pong player! He looks DETERMINED to win! I love the details you put in his face too! We love that it's also showing the player in action ( with his legs moving) ! You're becoming an excellent artist, Brady! Keep up the GREAT WORK!
- Grandma Sue on November 8, 2023
Wow... this is really neat Brady! It makes Grandpa and me want to take a balloon ride! Love the mountains and the details you put in them. The hot air balloons are really decorated nicely too! You're doing a great job, and it's so interesting to see how you've grown and developed your art work over the years! Keep up the GREAT WORK! Love you!
- Grandma Sue and Grandpa Mark on May 10, 2023
I love this collage of the birds! To us, it looks like the orange bird is looking in the mirror at himself!? You're getting so good at drawing,( which can be VERY hard to do!) and adding in the details to make it look very real! We're very proud of you, Brady! Keep up the fantastic work! Love, Grandpa Mark and Grandma Sue
- Grandma Sue and Grandpa Mark on March 15, 2023
Gosh Brady! I am a little spooked by your super hero! He looks so real! Everything about this picture makes it one of your best! He’s scary, he’s fun, the drawing the lines…very artistic Brady!
- Grammy and Grampy. on January 18, 2023
Wow, this is really good Brady! Is it a Super Hero you've created?? Love the detail and the drawing itself! The black and white color is very cool! Keep it up, you're becoming quite an artist!!
- Grandma Sue and Grandpa Mark on January 11, 2023
Wow Brady this is soooooo good!!!
- Jennifer (Mother) on November 9, 2022
Wow... We LOVE this! Love the Word and shading of the letters to make them more 3D. Love the design and colors behind the words and it really makes the letters stand out! Did you use newspaper clippings for the background? So original! .. Grandpa said it really looks like a Blob... in an artistic way! You're getting to be quite an artist!... Keep it up and we can't wait to see more of your Art ! Love, Grandma Sue and Grandpa Mark
- Susan on November 9, 2022
Brady, I like pictures where you can see many things not just one. I admire the way that used bold colors and created something happy. Is this a castle? Where does it lead to? Are there children standing in front of the castle? See how your picture helped me to think of about your art! Tell me what you see when we get together on Saturday! Love you!
- Grammy And Grampy on January 26, 2022
We LOVE these skeletons!! How did you make them?? Grandpa Mark wants to know if you were trying to make them look like him?.. haha! Wow.. such a big difference in your Art work from only a year or two ago!... Good going Brady.. Keep it up!!! Love, Grandma Sue and Grandpa Mark
- Grandma Sue on November 24, 2021
Oh Brady! This is another of my favorites! Every time I look at this bear he makes me smile! We wouldn’t be afraid to meet him in the woods because you made him look friendly with his face and colorful sweater. We’re you able to complete this drawing in just one art class? We really love your picture!
- Grammy and Grampy on May 26, 2021
This is amazing. Not only is Brady’s drawing fantastic but I love the entire idea of drawing an animal in a sweater. I feel like I need to do one. It’s amazing Brady!
- Michelle(fan) on April 28, 2021
Wow.. this is sooo good Brady! Did you use a pencil or pen? It's very detailed and took a lot of effort! I love his expression, and also love the colors in his shirt! You're getting to be a really good artist! Keep up the Good work! Grandma Sue and Grandpa Mark
- Grandma Sue on April 28, 2021
I LOVE this picture Brady! I love flowers, and especially love the beautiful colors in your picture that make everyone feel very happy. You are becoming such a good artist Brady! YOU ROCK! Love, Grandma Sue
- Grandma Sue(fan) on April 21, 2021
Oh Brady! This makes us feel happy inside! Every time we look at it, it makes us smile. Ruby, too!
- Grammy &bGrampy on November 25, 2020
How did you do this Brady? I just love it! Did you use colored pens or markers? My favorite part is your clouds! It looks like you put a lot of effort into this picture.
- Grammy &bGrampy on November 25, 2020
I love this one Brady!!
- Jennifer (Mother) on November 20, 2020