This piece is even better in person. The school has it displayed in their lobby. Great job honey!
- Toni (Mother) on November 15, 2023
So cool! Great dig.
- Cam (Father) on November 14, 2023
- Toni (Mother) on March 22, 2023
The more I look at this, Sawyer, the more interesting it gets! Very nice!!
- Gaya on April 19, 2023
Sawyer, your gargoyle is great! Three dimensional! Makes me think you might have been picturing me when I wake up in the morning!? Just kidding!! Love You! Keep creating!!! Gaya
- Gaya on April 19, 2023
Love this piece!
- Toni (Mother) on February 7, 2023
Wish this could be made into a quilt, Sawyer! Guess a T-shirt will do! Very clever!!
- Diane on November 23, 2022
Certainly caught my interest,Sawyer! Can't wait to have you "tell me about" what I should probably have understood!!
- Diane on November 23, 2022
Very cool art Sawyer.
- Toni (Mother) on October 7, 2022
This is, to me, a testament to the fact that Sawyer has artistic awareness beyond many of her age. My Dad, Sawyer's great grandfather was an artist. It was not until high school that I was first introduced to shadowing, so am truly impressed with Sawyer's work and that would reflect, certainly, on her teachers, as well. Great work, Sawyer..very proud of you!
- Gaya on January 26, 2022
I love this piece.
- Toni (Mother) on November 16, 2021
Love the details and coloration you used in your artwork. This is really cool!
- Diane Glover on November 17, 2021
Awesome rendering of your name! Keep up the good work!
- DianeG on November 10, 2021
Awesome rendering of your name! Keep up the good work!
- DianeG on November 10, 2021
Sawyer! Your newest piece is beautiful! You will have to explain the story behind it! I am curious about the name at the top...and if it is from your newest book, or your name in a different language? Love, Gaya
- Diane on May 26, 2021
Your art is so cool. Great job!
- DianeG on April 7, 2021
Sawyer, I am so impressed with your projects! Beautiful work!!