Jack1326's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Jack1326's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Looks great Jack! Karson
- on November 19, 2008
Jack - I love this leaf! You did a great job!
- on April 13, 2008
Jack...your artwork looks real! I love it! Love Kate
- on April 13, 2008
Jack...we did the same thing at school but I like yours better...it is more colorful than mine! Good job! Love, Karson
- on April 13, 2008
Jack, Cool picture. We love seing your work here in Texas. Keep it up! Aunt Jean and Tim
- on April 13, 2008
this is super cool looking Jack
- on April 13, 2008
jack you are a very good artist
- on February 14, 2008