Love the stained glass monster. You are very creative. MOM
- on March 5, 2008
like the new artwork, keep up the good work and happy birthday uncke larry
- on March 2, 2008
wow!! That is awesome, zak!! great job!!! from your favorite neighbor
- on March 2, 2008
Zak - Great Picture! I'm glad you get to explore all these different ways of looking at the world. Keep watching -- the wondrous things of God will keep opening up to you. Love, Gram
- on January 22, 2008
Hi Zak: I'm proud of you and your artwork. I'm also pleased to be a member of your 1986 Fan Club! Keep up the good work. Love, Papa Ziegler
- on January 18, 2008
Hey Zac - love your artwork, what a cool website! I'll make sure I show Em so she can send a message. Jessica
- on January 18, 2008
Zac, I had all the Interior Designers check out your artwork and we have decided that you are very talented! Love you and keep up the good work! Jeanie
- on January 18, 2008
Great job, Zak! Can't wait to see more. Love to be a part of your life! Uncle Ron & Aunt Michelle
- on January 18, 2008
great work zak, keep it up. uncle larry
- on January 18, 2008
Hi Zak -- I am so pleased to be able to see your work! Please tell me the story behind the one that sort of looks to me like a large mouth eating lots of stuff. I'll get Papa on soon. Love you, Gram