Sean1389's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Sean1389's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Sean that's awesome! Love it :)
- on March 12, 2009
aww youre so cute while your sleeping:)
- on January 13, 2009
I think this is one of my favorites. Reminds me of ME all cuddled up in my blanket! :)
- on January 5, 2009
Sean that is SOOOOO COOOL!
- on January 5, 2009
- on October 29, 2008
LOVE IT! That's really cool :)
- on October 24, 2008
Sorry, I'm a little late at registering. Love this! I saw it at your house before I saw it here:) Love ya. Laura
- on May 21, 2008
I'd love for you to make a stain glass window for my "BIG" WINDOW in the front :) Awesome work!
- on May 21, 2008
Sean, I love your stained glass artwork! I bet that looks awesome when you put it against a window!! KK
- on March 3, 2008
Sean that's AWESOME! Very nice job!!
- on February 25, 2008
Sean, I LOVED your artwork!!! Thank you for sending them to me!! Please send me more when you get some! I love you!! See you soon:) Aunt KK
- on January 30, 2008
I love this leaf. It reminds me of Ohio fall colors mixed with a bit of tropical island seas -- at least that's the way it looks on my computer.
- on January 28, 2008
I think you did a really good job on this.
- on January 28, 2008
you did really good on your leaf
- on January 26, 2008
I think you'll be famous like Picasso someday :)
- on January 15, 2008