Amanda2224's Comments (35)

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Below are comments about Amanda2224's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Amanda, I love this picture. You are doing a great job in Art. You definitely have some talent. Love you, Mommy and Daddy
- on March 8, 2009
Great job! Your artwork just keeps getting better. Keep up the GOOD WORK.
- on March 3, 2009
Hi Amanda! We LOVE this picture! Your art work just keeps getting better and better! Keep up the good work. We love you! Momo and silly uncle Warren xoxoxoxoxo
- on March 3, 2009
Hi Amanda! We really like your snowman and snowball fight! and love the pretty colors too! Keep up the good work! Love, Aunty Momo and Silly Uncle Warren xoxoxoxo
- on January 14, 2009
Amanda, I love your cactus. You chose lots of beautiful, bold colors. Keep up the good work. OH and for anyone reading these messages Amanda also had a very, very good report card. All B's and one C. She's doing very well in school. She also had to complete a science project about the 3 states of matter and she received an A+ for that. We're very proud of her. Love, Mommy
- on November 3, 2008
Amanda, Your cactus is very beautiful!!!!!!! and oh so colorful too! I sure love the heart in the middle!!! Keep on drawing pretty pictures! We look forward to seeing them. We love you !!!!!!!xoxoxo Momo and silly uncle Warren
- on November 2, 2008
Hi Amanda: great imagination on the colors. It would be nice if cactus, bloomed in all the colors of the rainbow. Aunt Diane Rapp
- on October 31, 2008
pretty cool amanda!!!! Keep up the good work. love daddy.
- on April 19, 2008
It's beautiful !!!! Keep up the good work. It reminds Me of Wisconsin. Love You, POP POP.
- on April 15, 2008
Hi Amanda, I love the waterlillies. You have really done some awesome art work this year. Congratulations, honey and keep up the good work. Love you, Auntie Gail
- on April 15, 2008
Amanda! We just LOVE your new picture!!!!!!!! I just love water lily's and water color paintings!! Super job! Love, aunty momo and uncle warren xoxoxoxo
- on April 15, 2008
Amanda! just love this shoe!!!!it's so colorful! and the movement of color just flows! I give this picture an "A+"!!!!!!! love, auntie momo xoxoxoxoxo
- on February 20, 2008
Great shoes. I should get NaNa a pair.
- on February 6, 2008
HI Amanda: This message is from your Aunt Diane. Your art work is awesome, keep up your good work, in all your work you do. Love Aunt Diane
- on February 6, 2008
That is one awesome boot! I love it Amanda! Great work. Shannon
- on February 6, 2008
Amanda, These are 2 very special angels and I will always love this picture. Thank you for putting it so everyone can enjoy it. Love, Nana
- on November 7, 2007
Amanda, I love these angels! The colors you chose are so pretty. Thank you for sharing them with us. Love, Auntie Gail
- on October 31, 2007
GREAT JOB AMANDA! This is a beautiful picture and I like the soft colors. Love POP POP.
- on October 31, 2007
This is an awesome picture for Halloween Amanda! Great work!!!!
- on October 31, 2007
Amanda, thank you for sharing the two beautiful angel's with us! You certainly are a wonderful artist! I think I know these angels, and was happy to see them! Looking forward to seeing more great work! love, momo and uncle warren
- on October 31, 2007
Amanda, I just love your Halloween artwork. I hope that you add more pictures, I just love looking at them and I am so proud of you. Love, Nana
- on October 29, 2007
These are great for Halloween. I like their smiling faces. The color is Great !!!! Keep up the good work. Love Pop Pop.
- on October 28, 2007
Amanda this picture of a fish is more than beautiful!!!!!It looks like the kind of fish that lives in the ocean! I hope you can make one for me! Thank you for sharing this with me! love, aunty momo
- on October 28, 2007
Wow Amanda I love this picture. You are so talented! I can't wait to see more of your work! Love, Christa.
- on October 28, 2007
Hi Amanda, Great work! I loved your pictures. I hope you can submit more so that we can see more of your beautiful work! Keep up the good job!! Love, Megan, JP, Molly, and Jack
- on October 28, 2007
Wow, Amanda, these are spooky skulls. Great job! Looking forward to seeing more art work. Love, Auntie Gail
- on October 27, 2007
Hi Amanda!! I like your skull picture it looks really spooky!!! The background is awesome keep up the good work!! Love Terita, Fred, and Kaylen
- on October 26, 2007
Amanda I just love this picture of the fish. You are a great artist and I hope that you will continue to draw many more wonderful pictures.
- on October 26, 2007
Amanda. Pop Pop just loves the picture of your fish. I'd like to catch one on my fishing pole. Love Pop Pop
- on October 26, 2007
That's the best looking fish I've ever seen. That should be in a museum! I'm joing Amanda's fan club for sure!
- on October 26, 2007
Great job Amanda!!! Me and Irfan are so proud of you on all the things you are doing. I love the fish and all the colors that you have used, It's well tought out. We can't wait to see more great arwork from you. Love Mirsada and Irfan!!!!
- on October 26, 2007
Amanda, I love the cool colors in your fish! Thank you for sharing your art work with us. I love it. Love, Auntie Gail
- on October 26, 2007
Amanda, I love the fish and the color's you used is awesome!!! Daddy and I can't wait to see more artwork online. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!! Love, Mommy and Daddy
- on October 25, 2007
I love the fish!! I love how you used all the different colors and mixed paint with crayons-very cool! Heather
- on October 25, 2007
Hi Amanda, Papa and I love your picture. Great colors and great design. You are a real artist and can't wait to see more of your pictures. We love you. Yiayia and Papa
- on October 25, 2007