Dear Janie, I really liked the marbling that you put on the cover of the book. I never knew anyone who could do that. I'm sorry that you had so much trouble making the pages of the book even. That must have been frustrating. I think you did some wonderful works of art at Brooks Middle School. I hope that you can find some way to continue your art work in high school. You have so much talent and I'd love to see you continue to develop it over the years. Love, Gram
- Barbara on June 7, 2023
Janie, I love this newest piece of art. It is my favorite one of all of your many artistic creations over the years. It reminds me of Picasso's work and is quite exceptional. It is something that I would hang in my living room. You must keep up your art work as you have so much talent. You are amazing. Love, Gram
- Barbara on April 19, 2023
Janie, That interesting drawing of yourself reminds me of the artwork in our condo that we brought home from Mexico. It looks like you never lifted your pencil the entire time and I'm sure that must be hard to do. I really like it, Janie. Keep up your artwork. You have so much talent!
- Barbara on April 12, 2023
I think this artwork is your most amazing one yet. I didn't realize how much you truly love music. I love what you did with the old fashioned player with the musical notes coming out of it. There are so many details that I can't wait to see the finished work up close. You should frame this fabulous drawing.
- Barbara on November 2, 2022
It surprises me how much work can go into a piece of art with only using pencils. You obviously put a lot of thought into it and I like the pattern that you created with all of the cones. The cherries actually look like little hearts on top. Good work, Janie!
- Barbara on November 2, 2022
Dear Janie, I think this is your best piece that you have created all year. I love the way you painted an upside down ice cream cone. You included Pop's favorite flavor of mint chocolate chip and my favor kind of cone. I think the red cherry creates some balance in it and gives me something else on which to focus. Your details are amazing from the lines on the cone to the drips of the green ice cream. You have so much talent!
- Barbara on April 27, 2022
Janie, I enjoyed learning about the various watercolor techniques. I liked how you used a popsicle to introduce the technique in each square. There is amazing detail in each of the six insets. It is so impressive. It was clever how you had the popsicle wear sunglasses in the first one with the surfboard. You are so creative. Love, Gram
- Barb on March 9, 2022
Hi Janie, I love the colors in your flower artwork as you know that they are all of my favorites. I like the way that the light comes through the "flower" design. I also like what you did with the same sound of flower but different meanings and the creation of the new word "flouwer." Your creativity is amazing. I'm so glad that I'm part of your fan club. Love, Gram