Tucker4210's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Tucker4210's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Tucker I love your artwork everything you do only surprises me as it is so creative! Keep up the good work sweetheart I love you so much and I’m so proud of you?? Nonnie
- Nonnie on November 28, 2022
Tucker I love love love your new painting. I think it might be my very favorite one. You should ask mommy to frame it or I will if she can part with it. Keep up the good work I love you so much Nonnie
- Nonnie on May 4, 2022
I really love your new artwork Tucker. You are just getting better and better and becoming a little artist. I am so proud of you and can’t wait to see you soon Maxi says hi we love you so much Nonnie
- Nonnie on April 28, 2022
What a beautiful beautiful bird! You did an amazing job Tucker I miss you and love you so much, Nonnie!!
- Nonnie on April 28, 2022
Is that a baby half asleep Tucker? He has a lot of clothes with many colors. Congratulations. Tucker Big kisses from Daddy.
- Daddy on March 24, 2022
Congratulations, Tucker for your drawing of a polar bear. It is very nice. I can see that the bear is very cold despite having lots of fur.
- Daddy on March 24, 2022
Tucker I love love love your new artwork I think it might be Noah’s ark. Am I right? keep up the great work baby you know how much I love to see your art. You are such a good boy and I am always proud of you????????????
- Nonnie on May 26, 2021
Such beautiful candles. They look so real I feel like I could reach in and touch them. Your art teacher has so many great ideas and that makes me very happy. Maybe when you grow up you will become a famous artist or an awesome art teacher just like me?? try to feel my hug as I am reaching into the picture and hugging you. We will be together real soon for Christmas and it is going to be wonderful?? See you soon my sweet boy- Max and I can’t wai????????????
- Nonnie on December 29, 2020
Such beautiful candles. They look so real I feel like I could reach in and touch them. Your art teacher has so many great ideas and that makes me very happy. Maybe when you grow up you will become a famous artist or an awesome art teacher just like me?? try to feel my hug as I am reaching into the picture and hugging you. We will be together real soon for Christmas and it is going to be wonderful?? See you soon my sweet boy- Max and I can’t wai????????????
- Nonnie on December 29, 2020
What a cool picture of a cat. I think that must be Max. I showed it to him and he licked the screen on my phone. I think he was trying to send you a kiss. We love you so much?? I am so proud of all your artwork. We miss you like crazy and you are in my prayers every single night. XXOO Nonnie and Max??
- Nonnie on December 29, 2020
Oh my goodness what a beautiful swan?? you must have a wonderful art teacher. She helps you create beautiful pictures. Keep up the good work- you are my little artist?? I think about you every day and Max and I can’t wait to see you ?? Much much love Nonnie
- Nonnie on December 29, 2020
Tucker this is an amazing pumpkin?? I don’t think even I could have done better. Max says meow And he really misses you. Kisses and hugs love Nonnie
- Nonnie on December 29, 2020
Hi Tucker it’s Nonnie. I love your ninja turtle that we did together at my house. He’s so cool?? you should tell your teacher that your ninja turtle was done with watercolor and it’s called a mono print. Remember you painted on glass And then soaked a piece of paper in the bathtub and then we pressed it on the glass and you used a rolling pen back-and-forth to make the paint stick to the paper it turned out just great?? I love you so much??Nonnie
- Nonnie on December 29, 2020
Hi Tucker I absolutely love your Virgin Mary. That is a beautiful outfit you have created for her with angel wings behind it. You are an amazing little artist that makes me so happy as perhaps you will follow in your Nonnie’s footsteps. My love always Nonnie?? Max says to say hi and he loves you too??
- Nonnie on December 29, 2020
Wonderful, Tucker!! Is that you swimming? or Gabriel? And I see that the moon is there also!! Big kisses Tucker- we love you.
- Daddy on December 29, 2020
My dear Tucker, I found your artwork this morning in my computer; it is very nice; it is great and very appropriate; these are nice colors. You can look at it in two ways: a mask like you wear now in school or you can look at it as a cat with a red moustache, you can even see its right eye; the left eye is closed because he just woke up. CONGRATULATIONS, TUCKER; BIG KISSES AND WE LOVE YOU
- Daddy on December 29, 2020
Bravo! Tucker you are a real artist,
- Granny(fan) on November 4, 2020
Bravo! Tucker you are a real artist,
- Granny(fan) on November 4, 2020
Tucker: i saw your latest drawing: this is a big pumpkin for Halloween - are you ready to go Trick or Treat? I hope you will bring back a chocolate for me. Mammy told me that you will be going to see the neighbors with Gabriel, Papa and Mammy. Have a great time. I love you Tucker and am sending big kisses. See you very sonn.
- Daddy on November 4, 2020
Bravo , Tucker - congratulations. Tucker: I like the colors that you use: they are very bright and lively, which I like. Your drawing also looks like a drone - a flying machine; ask papa to explain to you what the drones do: they can deliver a package at your door. Big kisses, Tucker. see you soon. Who is coming back also: Caroline
- Daddy on November 4, 2020