Cadence3026's Comments (58)

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Below are comments about Cadence3026's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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A feast to my eyes! I like a!l the brush strokes, lots of texture.
- Oma on November 1, 2024
This still life is spectacular!! There is so much detail! And the colors are gorgeous. I can tell how hard you worked on it.
- Nana on November 1, 2024
Interesting use of color, letters and numbers. A finish to the end of 3rd grade and the adventures of Summer.
- Oma on July 1, 2024
Interesting!! Tell me about it next time I see you. Love, Nana
- Nana on June 13, 2024
This still life pear must have taken so-o-o much work. Beautiful!
- Nana on May 30, 2024
This still life pear must have taken so-o-o much work. Beautiful!
- Nana on May 30, 2024
This reminds me of an ancient artifact like the lamp the Genie lived in in Aladdin. Good work!!!
- Nana on May 30, 2024
Keep up the great work! I think you are really developing skill.
- Nana on May 22, 2024
Your use of green tint is fascinating. Lots of depth. I feel like flying from the woods into the sunlight.
- Oma on March 5, 2024
Cady, this looks really cold and a little spooky. Is it on another planet? Love, Nana
- Nana on February 11, 2024
I recognized this was all about YOU right away! Tell me what some of the things represent..... Love, Nana
- Nana on November 19, 2023
Wow! Quite a composite of your art. Your "Coat of Arms" is very interesting. So what is the favorite hot beverage on your right sleeve? Wink, wink! Love, Oma
- Oma on November 19, 2023
This piece is gorgeous! I can see how hard you worked on it.
- Nana on September 22, 2023
A Beautiful burst of energy!
- Grumpy on September 14, 2023
Interesting collage in felt and blue design. You direct my eye with your pink felt shapes and splash of gold.
- Oma on July 5, 2023
It looks like you really worked hard on cutting out all these little pieces!
- Nana on July 5, 2023
I love the shades of blue! It reminds me of a stained glass window. Keep up the beautiful work.
- Nana on July 5, 2023
How cool !! This kitty looks like it is ready to pop out of the frame!
- Nana and Pop Pop on May 31, 2023
Meow or Woof? Love it! I like the way you draw the viewer into the subject using the yarn textures. Orange and green frame helps to focus. Love the subject as well as the artist!
- Oma & Grumpy on May 12, 2023
What a wonderful Winter Vacation! A warm house to sleep in and winter wonderland to enjoy. Mountain view, which peak is Mt Washington? Love, Oma
- Oma on May 12, 2023
Paper lantern, how interesting, art in the round. I notice the red dragon gets center view, flying high in the clouds. Wow! The other critters all look to the dragon. Peaceful colors of adventure.
- Oma on February 28, 2023
This was very clever, Cady. I can tell you really worked hard on it! Love, Nana
- Nana on February 8, 2023
I am many miles away but read "the bat of doom". Did you know that bats eat mosquitoes? Your checkered red and black castle looks inviting, maybe Grumpy and I would be safe from the mosquitoes inside there! Nice use of contrasting colors the green and yellow.
- Oma on February 8, 2023
WOW!!! I love this. It looks like it took you a huge amount of time and effort. Your best yet!!
- Nana on November 29, 2022
I really l-o-v-e this!!
- Nana on November 29, 2022
I love it! There are all kinds of hidden things in the background. How did you do those? I saw the word LOVE! Love to you, Nana
- Nana on November 29, 2022
Circles of life. Interesting progression of colorful circles. I especially like the red dots on orange. Of course there is field of purple!
- Oma on October 11, 2022
Nice job, Cady! We could laminate it and make a new placemat for you!
- Nana and Pop Pop on June 7, 2022
Circles, circles everywhere. They remind me of happy bubbles in the air. So colorful!
- Oma on April 29, 2022
Who who who is sitting in the moonlight? Clouds of various shades. Speckled owl. I can hear it's 3:00am call! Who, who is Cadence? Love, Oma
- Judy on March 11, 2022
I think I missed seeing this gorgeous flower!! I love it! Love, Nana
- Nana on March 11, 2022
Neat!! This must have taken a lot of concentration to get all the tiny pieces in place. I can't wait for you to tell me what gave you the ideas for it. Love, Nana
- Nana on March 11, 2022
Reds and purples bring to mind Valentine's Day! Interesting peek through of layers of yellow.
- Oma & Grumpy on March 11, 2022
This is gorgeous! The colors are deep and rich - what great choices you made.
- Nana and Pop Pop on January 31, 2022
Each time I look at this picture I see something new. I always like the colors you choose. Love, Nana
- Nana and Pop Pop on December 15, 2021
The colors seem to blend in to one another and the lines are all different and interesting. We really love this piece!
- Nana and Pop Pop on December 15, 2021
What unique line designs. Each bulb and egg shape is different. Very interesting! Love, Oma
- Oma on December 15, 2021
OMG! We love this Halloween picture of you in your angel costume. Hope you got lots of good treats! Love, Nana and Pop Pop. Patch looks like he is having fun too.
- Nana on November 5, 2021
Halloween excitement! Love your castle! The Angel protects all! Maggs dog protects her pumpkin. Nice use of green lawn contrasting with the darkness of Halloween night.
- Oma on November 5, 2021
A circle of color! What a way to start this school year. Hmmm, lots of purple hues. Love, Oma
- Oma on October 27, 2021
We love your dot collage. The colors are some of our favorites and they feel like they blend across the background. Love, Nana and PopPop
- Nana on October 27, 2021
On a sunny day with perfect blue sky, a flowers in your garden! Who is on top of the flower? Love. oma
- Oma on July 16, 2021
A bright sunshine unicorn! It reminds me of a song your Great Grandmother Louise sang: "You are My Sunshine." Love, Oma
- Oma on July 16, 2021
What a brilliant yellow unicorn! We love it's smile. Love, Oma & Grumpy
- Oma & Grumpy on July 16, 2021
What a brilliant yellow unicorn! We love it's smile. Love, Oma & Grumpy
- Oma & Grumpy on July 16, 2021
A heart full of purple grapes. Mmmm! I like the yellow and gold contrast background. Sunshine! Love, Oma
- Oma on July 16, 2021
This is beautiful! Our favorite color -purple! Love, Nana and Pop-Pop
- Nana on May 27, 2021
This is beautiful! Our favorite color -purple! Love, Nana and Pop-Pop
- Nana on May 27, 2021
Cady, I love your Kandinski circles. They look like rainbows!
- Nana on May 5, 2021
Circles are important in our lives. Your drawing reminds me of circles in flowers, in food and hugs! Love. Oma
- Oma on May 5, 2021
So you started with a yellow rectangle. Interesting picture! Good use of pink and brown. Love, Oma
- Oma on May 5, 2021
I loved the colors and shapes in your artwork! Keep up the great work. I love you!
- Nana on March 31, 2021
What a beautiful idea! Keep up the great work. Love, kisses, and hugs to you!
- Nana on January 27, 2021
Cady Lou I love your snow covered tree. More snow flakes are falling. More fun in the snow for you! Love, Oma
- Oma on January 27, 2021
a note from pop pop---- keep up the good work your artistry is really improving I L O V E Y O U
- Pop Pop on January 14, 2021
Cady, this is beautiful!! We love it! We send hugs and kisses.
- Nana and Pop Pop on December 21, 2020
Cady, this is beautiful!! I love it! We send hugs and kisses.
- Nana and Pop Pop on December 21, 2020
What a beautiful job! Keep up the great work. Love, Nana
- Nana on December 21, 2020