Vincent8848's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Vincent8848's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is an excellent reindeer Vince! He looks like Rudolph!
- AuntieB on March 3, 2022
Hi Vince, We really like the colors you chose for your leaf drawing. They look just like real leaves. You are a good artist.
- Grandma and Grandpa on October 20, 2021
You are such an amazing artist! We look forward to the artwork to come!
- G & G Macejkovic on May 26, 2021
Beautiful robin red breast. Looks just like the ones we see on the deck. Great job artist Vincent.
- G & G Macejkovic on May 26, 2021
Cool fish, Vincent! Let’s try to catch one this weekend.
- G & G Macejkovic on May 12, 2021
You are a terrific artist
- G & G on April 21, 2021
WOW this is fabulous! I can't wait to talk to you about it!
- Grandma Wendy on April 14, 2021