Makenna4123's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about Makenna4123's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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So cute!!
- Carin on May 22, 2024
Makenna, I love this groundhog picture...especially the way he is winking at me! The background is so interesting and I like the way you drew the dirt from his hole. Did he see his shadow? Love you! Grandma
- Cathryn on March 20, 2024
Makenna, This picture looks like it's 3 dimensional...maybe it is! I like the colors you chose. You are doing great work! Love you! Grandma
- Cathryn on March 20, 2024
Makenna, This drawing is awesome! I love the brilliant colors you used and the shading that you did. It looks like the house is set back near the mountains. What a great job you did! Love you! Grandma
- Cathryn on March 20, 2024
Wow, Makenna! I love your new drawing of a raccoon! It looks so real up in a tree with the snow falling. Did you or your teacher read a book about raccoons? You did a wonderful job! So proud of you! Love you lots and lots! Grandma
- Cathryn on December 18, 2023
Makenna, I love the pot that you made! The yellow color and happy sun are so cheerful! It's really pretty...good job! Love you! Gramma and Papa
- Grandma And Papa on June 7, 2023
Really intriguing work, Makenna. I really like the way you have used the keyhole silhouette of the feather to frame the color work. Very imaginative!
- Papa Clint on May 17, 2023
Great work, Makenna! You're on the way to the "pointillism" school of painting. This style was pioneered by the French painters Georges Seurat and Paul Signac: I love this style! Big hugs, Papa Clint
- Papa Clint on May 17, 2023
Makenna, This cardinal is one of my all time favorites of all of your drawings! Magnifique ma douce petite fille!
- Gamma Yo on May 17, 2023
Way to go Makenna! I love your colorful heart. I am doing a pottery class, too! Maybe we can share ideas with each other. Keep up the beautiful work! I can see you worked very hard on this heart! Love Gamma Yo
- Gamma Yo on May 17, 2023
Great drawing, Makenna! Very realistic! Love you!
- Grandma And Papa on December 27, 2022
Makenna, I love your Rainbow Fish! You did such a good job of coloring and adding the sparkly scales. Rainbow Fish is one of my favorite stories. What did you think about how Rainbow Fish acted at the beginning of the story? Did you like the way he acted at the end? What lesson do you think he learned along the way? Love this! Love YOU! Gramma and Papa
- Gramma on April 28, 2021
That hungry caterpillar looks so surprised to see you!! It looks like a beautiful sunny day for Mr. Caterpillar to find something to eat! I can't wait to talk to you about your beautiful picture!
- Gamma Yo on January 26, 2021
Wow Makenna!! I love YOU to pieces, too! Your Heart is so beautiful with such bright, wonderful colors!! Keep up the good work!
- Gamma Yo on January 26, 2021
Makenna, What a great caterpillar! We love your circles and the face and antennae. Your rainbow is so colorful and your sun looks so happy. We love seeing your artwork. We love you, too! Gramma and Papa
- Grandma And Papa on January 26, 2021
Makenna, What a colorful heart! It is so pretty. And, I love the rainbow colors that you have added on the edge of the paper. Your mom and dad are going to love this picture with its nice message. Love YOU to pieces! Gramma and Papa
- Grandma And Papa on January 20, 2021
Makenna, We love your beautiful snowman!! She must be full of love with her two hearts. We love you!
- Aunt Carrie on December 23, 2020
Makenna, Your snowman picture makes us feel like we're in a Winter Wonderland! The colors, the hearts, the rainbow scarf, the snowflakes...we love this picture! You did such a wonderful job! We're so glad we got to see it! We love you! Gramma and Papa
- Grandma And Papa on December 23, 2020
Wow, Makenna! Your gingerbread house is amazing! I love the colors on the roof and the icicles hanging down in the front. I really like the heart coming from the chimney. Your Gingerbread Girl is so cute! I love her purple dress! You did a great job of coloring! Love you! Gramma and Papa
- Grandma And Papa on December 9, 2020
Well done Makenna! Pete the Cat looks like he is having fun on the grass. I especially like his turned up tail. Keep up the good work!
- Gamma Yo on November 18, 2020
Makenna, Papa and I LOVE your "Pete the Cat" drawing! Pete's face is amazing! We love the eyes and the whiskers. What a great job you did! I love reading "Pete the Cat" books. Did your teacher read one to your class? One of my favorites is "I Like My School Shoes." What is your favorite "Pete the Cat" story? Love you lots and lots, Gramma and Papa
- Grandma And Papa on November 18, 2020
Makenna....I really like your leafy drawing! I can tell it is fall because your leaf has all of those beautiful colors! I especially like leafy’s eyelashes and smile. I can tell you have really studied leaves to be able to draw one so perfectly. Great job! Love you! Gamma Yo
- Gamma Yo on November 4, 2020
Makenna, What a happy fall leaf! We love the pretty fall colors you used and her big smile. We also like her eyelashes. She looks like she is happily blowing in the wind. Great job!
- Grandma And Papa on November 4, 2020
Makenna, What a wonderful job you did on this picture! I love how you used so many colors and how the buildings are different heights, but close to each other. It reminds me of a city. The dark, cloudy sky makes me think it might have been raining, but the rainbow makes me think the sun is coming out and it will be a beautiful day!
- Grandma And Papa on November 4, 2020
Lovely work, Makenna! Your piece shows a remarkable level of maturity in your application of the principals of composition and color. I think we can expect a lot more excellent art from you. Keep it up! Much love, Papi
- Papa Clint(fan) on October 23, 2020
This is beautiful Makenna! I love the way you had a stormy sky AND a rainbow. I think all of the different cloud shapes are wonderful and I am so glad the buildings have windows so they can look out of them to see the rainbow! I think you worked really hard on this picture. I am so proud of you! Love you so!! Gamma Yo
- R(fan) on October 23, 2020