Breanna6602's Comments (43)

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Below are comments about Breanna6602's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Lemonade….I want some!! Will you make me some when you come up and visit us?? It is really good when it is warm outside!! Come on summer!!! We are ready for some cold lemonade!
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 23, 2024
We really like your cacti!! Your tall one has eyes?? Like the little one…need you to tell me all about the other one…were these fun to make?? You had another great year of art fun!! You will have to keep making things…draw…all summer long!! Love and hugs Breanna! Have the very best summer!!
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 23, 2024
Ribbit ribbit….awwww so cute! Does your frog have a name? Grrrrams!! Looks like she is winking!! You did a very good job Miss Breanna! Gramps and I love seeing your artwork!! Beautiful…just like you! Love and hugs!!
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 8, 2024
I want to go there!! Want to take grams there? What a beautiful sunset! We do have some pretty sunsets in Wisconsin..just don’t have the waves and sand and water!! Great job! Loving your artwork! Love you more!!
- Grandma and grandpa on March 13, 2024
Brrrrrrr….looks cold on those icebergs! Good thing they have on their hats! Is that middle guy winking at me? Keep making beautiful pictures! We love them! We love you more!!
- Grandma and grandpa on February 23, 2024
Beautiful Breanna! Baby Jesus is surrounded by bright, bright stars! You did such a wonderful should frame this. Love you!!
- Grandma And Grandpa on January 3, 2024
Hi! What a pretty patterned tree! Love the colors you chose! Was this fun to make? Always looking forward to your beautiful pictures! You do such a nice job! Keep having fun…creating beautiful pictures of art! You rock! Love and hugs Grandma and Grandpa
- Grandma and Grandpa on November 27, 2023
Oooooooh my my! So darn cute! Where did you see this little guy? Is he running around at the farm? You are such a good artist! Keep working hard! Keep having fun! Love you…love your artwork!??
- Gram and Gramps on October 18, 2023
Hello prairie dog! He is so cute, just like you! He or she is even winking at me! Love your background and the grassy front. Was this a fun project? Keep working hard at your artwork…it is so fun for gramps and I to see! Love and hugs Miss Breanna!
- Gram and Gramps on September 27, 2023
Yummy! Which apple would you eat? Is that a pear too? Liking your bright blue bowl! What a fun project! Keep making beautiful times in art class! Great work in second grade…more beautiful work coming in third! Enjoy your summer! Love you!!
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 24, 2023
Here pretty fishie! Looks like your fish at your house! Love all the color!! You do very nice art work…you are a beautiful, wonderful, talented artist! Keep working hard! Keep smiling!! Love and lots of hugs!
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 24, 2023
Monet’s home and garden! Did you talk about Monet? Love your colors and the details on the beautiful artwork! Can tell you really worked hard! So very pretty! Keep making such pretty artwork! Love and hugs!!
- Grandma and Grandpa on April 5, 2023
Love your Potters cow! Good detail…loving the birds flying high overhead too! Oh, on this very snowy day..longing for the green grass!! Keep making these beautiful works of art Breanna! We love seeing them..enjoying them! Love and many, many hugs!!!
- Grandma and Grandpa on March 8, 2023
B A owns this castle! What a beautiful castle, can Gramps and I come to visit? Where is this…on a pretty lake or near an ocean? Was this hard to make! You are such a great artist Miss Breanna! Keep having fun making beautiful pictures! Love you! Hugs too!
- Grandma And Grandpa on February 1, 2023
Away in a manger...This is so beautiful Breanna! Love your chubby little baby Jesus! Christmas is coming fast….love and many hugs to you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on December 14, 2022
Miss Breanna! Love, love, love your Pegasus flying horse! You worked very hard, folding the wings..adding lines…very bright colors and even beautiful glitter! You didn’t have glitter all over you, did you? Or the table..or the floor…or your teacher! Yikes! Keep making such wonderful art for Gramps and I to enjoy! We love you to the moon and back! Keep working hard, having fun!! Hugs!
- Grandma and Grandpa on November 30, 2022
I really love your work here Breanna…would you have liked to live way back then…and draw on the caves?? What would you do if you lived way back then? Keep having fun in art! Love and hugs!
- Love Grandma and Grandpa on September 28, 2022
Ferdinand the bull!! Perfect! Love it!
- Grandma and Grandpa on April 6, 2022
Ohhhh you just make me smile Miss Breanna!! Love your flowers! Nice eyelashes too! Keep having fun …making most beautiful artwork! You are doing such nice work! Have fun…love you so very much! Keep making the best pictures you can ..we love seeing you grow..on to second grade!
- Grandma and Grandpa on April 6, 2022
Very nice Breanna! Was this hard to do? Ohio Star…pretty colors too! Keep working hard! Love you so much! Have fun in art class!
- Grandma and Grandpa on March 3, 2022
What a beautiful cardinal Breanna! I can hear him singing to me!! Keep making wonderful artwork…you make us smile. Work hard, have fun in class!
- Love you! Grandma and Grandpa on February 9, 2022
Merry Christmas Breanna! You did such a nice job with your stitching on this artwork! Did you think sewing was fun? We will see you for soon to celebrate Jesus’ birthday!! Love and hugs!
- Grandma and Grandpa on December 15, 2021
Happy Halloween! Love the bright orange color of your pumpkin! Looks like you had another fun time in art class! You are our little artist! Keep up the great work! Love and hugs.
- Grandma and Grandpa on December 8, 2021
Hi Breanna! Loving your newest artwork! We like your colors and how things are popping off the paper! You will have to tell us the story behind this…keep enjoying your art time! We love you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on December 8, 2021
Love your beautiful dream house Breanna! Are you going to build in Merrill by Grandpa and me? I love your colors and the portrait of you! Keep smiling!! Love and many, many hugs to you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 26, 2021
Love your dream house Breanna!! Tell me all about it! Will you build it in Merrill by Grandpa and me? That would be fun!! We can go and visit the cows, goats, pigs, ducks, peacock and dog by our house! Sounds like a plan! Love you
- Grandma And Grandpa on May 26, 2021
Ohhhhhh Breanna! What beautiful water lilies!! They shimmer and shine!! Was this fun to do? The background is really pretty too...keep working hard in art class!! Only a few more weeks left in school and you will be a BIG a First Grader!! Love and hugs!
- Gram and Gramps on May 12, 2021
Hi Arlo! What a cute puppy you made? Love his that the kind of glasses you would wear? Love his fur too....that’s a big dog!! Did it take a long time to draw? Keep up the beautiful are having such a fun year...almost first grade Breanna! Love and hugs to you and Arlo!
- Gram and gramps on May 12, 2021
Oh....just noticed the heart nose and star on the neck! Cool beans! Love you!
- Grandma And Grandpa on April 14, 2021
Klee’s cat....very colorful! What can you tell us about this artwork! I love the eyes! I know you like cats and kittens so I bet you loved drawing a cat. Did you use chalk? Or oil pastels, I think they are called that. Pretty colors for sure! Keep working hard! Can’t wait to see what you will do next! Love and hugs to you, Breanna!
- Grandma And Grandpa on April 14, 2021
Oh how pretty and how happy -this apple blossom means Spring is on its way!! So Breanna what color apple will this beautiful blossom turn into...a red apple, a yellow apple or a green apple? Any guesses...we will never know, but could guess! Keep working hard and making beautiful artwork! We love you and send many hugs to you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on April 14, 2021
Flutter...flutter beautiful butterfly!! It is soooo pretty I love the colors you chose!! I bet we will see a lot of these fluttering around in your flower gardens this summer! Keep making beautiful art to share with us....beautiful...just beautiful work Breanna! Love you! Many hugs...
- Grandma and Grandpa on March 31, 2021
Oh Breanna this is just beautiful!! Jesus does love all people! Did you draw Grandpa or Grandma on there? I see lots of smiling people! Hoping you continue to make such pretty artwork! We so enjoy it! Love and many hugs to you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on March 31, 2021
BLAST the moon...Mars....where are you off to Miss Breanna? Can I come with you please! Love your spaceship! Are you taking any of your kittens? Great work! Keep enjoying your art class and working hard!! Love and lots of hugs!!
- Grandma and Grandpa on March 4, 2021
Ohhhhhhh so pretty!! We love red cardinals...they are so beautiful especially in the winter with all the white snow around them!! What was the secret in making this?? Could that be your cutest little hand we see?? How’d you get the red paint off of your fingers?? Was that fun...feel slippery and cool on your hand? Fun times in art class!! You surely work hard and your beautiful pictures show us just how hard you do work! Love and love and hugs and hugs
- Grandma and Grandpa on February 19, 2021
Ho! ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! What a beautiful, sparkling, colorful tree you made! Was this hard to make? Looks like it took some hard work but you did it and it is most beautiful!! Maybe next year you can make Grandpa and me one!! Love you...BIG hugs!
- Grandma and Grandpa on February 19, 2021
WOW look at you!! Looks like you are having the BEST time at the amusement park! Great’ll have to tell me about all the rides you went on! Which was the most fun? The fastest...the scariest!! Did your tummy tickle?? Wish I could visit sometime!! Maybe this summer!! Love you sooooo very much! Keep working hard!
- Grandma and Grandpa on February 19, 2021
Love this truck Breanna! I see lots of red trucks...just like your dad’s! What are you hauling in it? Today coming from Antigo we saw two big trucks carrying big loads of truck in front of us and one behind us! On the hills by Merrill the one in front was going only 45 miles an hour up the hill and 62 miles an hour down the hill! Which one is faster??? Love you! Keep up the great pictures!
- Grandma and Grandpa on February 19, 2021
Butterfly pumpkin!! How colorful! Hey, and both sides are the’d you do that? Magic?? You are such a sweet special little girl...we love you to bits!! Can’t wait for your next beautiful work of art! Have fun at school!! We love YOU!
- Grandma And Grandpa(fan) on December 2, 2020
How cool is this? Like your shapes and like your colors! Was this hard to make?? We love seeing all your hard work! Can’t wait to see what you make next! Love and hugs Grandma and Grandpa!
- Grandma And Grandpa(fan) on December 2, 2020
Oh my!! Look at you!! You have a beautiful crown on your beautiful head!! Love that smile! It makes me smile too!! Liking your picture on the wall too! Good work again...keep making beautiful pictures!! Hugs!
- Grandma And Grandpa(fan) on December 2, 2020
WOW! Good day pretty bird! How cute is this...just like you!! We are very proud of all the artwork you’ve done! Keep it up Breanna!! Love you!
- Grandma And Grandpa(fan) on December 2, 2020
Breanna, Grandpa and I love all your very colorful dots! It looks like a fun picture to make! So excited we get to see all of your beautiful works of art! Keep working hard! Love and hugs!
- Grandma And Grandpa(fan) on December 2, 2020