Kaleb8514's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Kaleb8514's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Interested concept of POP Art. I like how it shows emotion and adventure.
- Diana (Mother) on December 12, 2023
Wow, nice card! Let’s order some for Christmas!
- Diana (Mother) on November 1, 2023
Amazing work! Keep it up.
- Ruben on October 24, 2023
Nice work!
- Edder(fan) on October 18, 2023
I like the vintage look of the original coca cola bottle. It appears like a 1940 portrait.
- Diana on October 7, 2023
He does look like the president! Great job!
- Diana on October 7, 2023
Great work, your art is improving each year, I could be more proud of you, your talent is natural
- Eric (Father) on October 4, 2022
I love the colors and the pattern! Very beautiful:)
- Diana (Mother) on November 30, 2021
Great work Kaleb. I am imagining being on the bottom of the deep ocean looking up and seeing these beautiful species swimming on the surface. Great job!
- Diana (Mother) on November 16, 2021
Great job Kaleb! I love the way Mario looks like he is flapping his hands and ready to fly! Awesome job:) -mom
- Diana (Mother) on June 1, 2021
Wow, so beautiful! I love your own version of Van Gogh.
- Diana (Mother) on March 30, 2021
Wow! Great work Kaleb:) Imagine the soccer player running past his opponent to score a goal. Great perspective!
- Diana (Mother) on March 23, 2021
Wow! Kaleb that’s a creative idea. I like the perspective that you are showing the audience to be able to se snowman from the ground up! Cool design:)
- Diana (Mother) on December 5, 2020