Jaelin224's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about Jaelin224's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good afternoon Jaelin!! That is an amazing picture!! Great artwork! Keep it up!!
- Tyrone on December 15, 2021
Hey nephew another nice piece of artwork
- Tyrone on December 15, 2021
Wow that is terrific nephew!! Nice pic.Keep up the great work
- Tyrone on December 15, 2021
This looks great Jae
- Carla (Mother) on November 2, 2021
Hey nephew! Great artwork once again!!
- Tyrone on December 15, 2021
Good afternoon Nephew! Nice drawing of an apple! I see you are back at it,with another superb drawing! Keep up the great work!
- Tyrone on December 15, 2021
Good afternoon nephew! Another spectacular drawing! I love it! Keep up the great artistic work!
- Tyrone on December 15, 2021
Hey nephew that is a really nice hat! Keep up the great work!
- Tyrone on October 6, 2021
What a unique piece nephew! You have a God given talent! Keep doing what you are doing
- Tyrone on October 6, 2021
Wow Jaelin! More great artwork from you. Keep doing what you are doing! Your artwork will take you far!
- Tyrone on October 6, 2021
Wow nephew those sneakers look nice! Great artwork. I'm proud of you.
- Tyrone on October 6, 2021
Great job nephew on your latest creation! Alice in Wonderland looks amazing! I am truly amazed at your creative genius! Keep up the great work and continue to make you and your family proud! ????????
- Tyrone on February 24, 2021
Hey nephew,i love your potato drawing! Now i'm getting hungry lol! Great job on this artwork! Keep it up sir!
- Tyrone on February 3, 2021
Good afternoon Jaelin. Is that a rocket skateboard? Looks real cool! Way to go with the creativity on this drawing! I love it! Keep up the great work.I am proud of YOU!
- Tyrone on February 3, 2021
Hello nephew,nice artwork once again! And i love to eat bagels lol! Great job drawing the bagel! I wish i had the talent you have! Keep up the great work,you are going places!
- Tyrone on February 3, 2021
Hey nephew,those pancakes look delicious lol. I love your creativity and your passion to create something simple and make it look extraordinary! Keep up the great work!
- Tyrone on February 3, 2021
Hey nephew! Like your new artwork! Once again you came up with a cool concept of the abc's! You are a creative little genius! Keep up the great work! Your uncle is proud of you!
- Tyrone on February 3, 2021
Hello nephew,i love this artwork! You really have a God given talent! Keep up the great work! Keep striving for the top!
- Tyrone on January 13, 2021
Hey nephew! Once again great job on your artwork! I am really proud of you and i know your dad would be too! Keep up the great work and keep doing your thang! I love you!
- Tyrone on January 13, 2021
J, This is one of my favorite works of art. You talent is impressive. Continue to develop your skills! You are doing a fantastic Job!! I'm very proud of You ??????
- Beverly on January 6, 2021
Hello again nephew! Another great art work by You! I am really impressed by your artwork and hope for continued success in your artwork! You are an inspiration to me and i'm sure to others as well! God bless!
- Tyrone on January 3, 2021
Wow nephew,your artwork looks great! Keep up the great work! You will definitely be a great artist someday!
- Tyrone on December 28, 2020
Very impressed with your talent! Enjoy the process!
- Beverly on December 23, 2020
Great job J, you are a talented artist! Keep up the good work!
- Beverly on December 23, 2020
One of his favorite foods
- Carla (Mother) on December 15, 2020
I Love this Piece!! Very Interesting!! You have A Gift!!
- BELINDA(fan) on December 9, 2020
I am So Proud of You!! God has Blessed You with such a Wonderful and Amazing Talent!!
- BELINDA(fan) on December 9, 2020
We are very proud of your work. You have always shown that you have amazing talent, ever since elementary school....
- Carla (Mother) on December 1, 2020