I love seeing your hard work on your masterpieces! Great job buddy!
- Holly (Mother) on October 18, 2023
great work! so proud of you for working so hard
- Holly (Mother) on September 26, 2023
This one is super cool. You did a great job budddy
- Holly (Mother) on September 26, 2023
I love this art work and have it hanging up in the house. Kepp up the good work buddy!
- Holly (Mother) on November 1, 2022
Great job buddy! Keep up the good work!
- Holly (Mother) on October 18, 2022
Connor I am always so impressed with your art work. Great job. I love all of the different bright colors you used.
- Holly (Mother) on March 3, 2022
Connor did an amazing job rounding the clay into a pot. I also love the color he picked!
- Holly (Mother) on November 9, 2021
I love this project and have it hanging in our home. Connor I love how proud you are of yourself when brining home your hard worked artwork.
- Holly (Mother) on March 31, 2021
Connor I am extremely impressed with your creative way on figuring out how to draw a bridge. You did an amazing job and proud of you for staying focused to be able to finish your art work. Keep going buddy you have talent and its a great way to express yourself.