Benjamin25331's Comments (33)

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Below are comments about Benjamin25331's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love the colors. Very vibrant. I would hang this on the wall.
- Nanny on January 10, 2024
Wow Ben. Good job. Belongs in the book.
- Nanny on January 10, 2024
Looks like a beautiful snowflake. Should be framed.
- Nanny on January 10, 2024
Love it Ben. Can almost see that devilish smile on your face while you were bringing it together.
- Nanny on January 10, 2024
Great representation of this space ! Well done !
- Tamara (Mother) on November 8, 2023
This is so cool
- Tamara (Mother) on November 8, 2023
Looks like Redford. Good job
- Nana on November 8, 2023
Totally amazing. Black and white one is my favorite. I’m kind of a less is more prrson
- Nana on November 8, 2023
Good eye Ben. Not posed. He looks very natural. Not at all awkward or uncomfortable Nana
- Marilyn on November 8, 2023
Hey, I know those sandals. Think they have been in my house. Good job. Nanny
- Nanny on September 20, 2023
Good job Ben. You are our resident artist. Love you. Nana
- Nanny on September 20, 2023
Don’t think I ever saw this one really realistic. Good job!!! Love Nannie
- Nanny on July 26, 2023
Great job Ben. Bing/Bling very clever. Love all your artwork. Very “YOU”. Love Nannie.
- Nanny on July 26, 2023
Very good composition and color choices. Also love your BING/BLING piece. Way cool!!!!!
- Nana on July 26, 2023
Loved it Made me smile. When I eat cereal I find myself reading/staring at the box. If I bought this box of cereal I could work the maze. Very amusing idea Ben Nanny
- Nanny on March 12, 2023
Really nice job with shadowing and texture. You should be very happy with this piece. It looks great. - Dad
- Tamara (Mother) on February 15, 2023
Looking over your body of work so far this year - this piece still stands out as my favorite. I find the eyes and the expression the best part. - well done - Dad
- Tamara (Mother) on February 15, 2023
Very nice shading and color mixing. Looks like you pick that fruit right off the table. Good job.
- Marilyn on February 15, 2023
Great job. Can see the depth. Love it. Nanny
- Marilyn on February 15, 2023
WOW. Double wow, amazing job. You never cease to amaze me. Hope your art class takes a field trip to a museum some day. Very well done. Nanny
- Marilyn on February 15, 2023
You’re the best. Think you have a career in commercial and or graphic arts. Good job Ben
- Nanny on February 15, 2023
Hello Benjamin25331 I am a freshman at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Judah594 if you want to look me up and see my art! I think that your artwork is quite cool. I think that the dull look of clouds above and contrast of the planets is awesome. This makes it feel a lot like its a sci-fi thing.
- Judah594 on February 15, 2023
This is amazing. Love it great job Ben
- Nanny on January 15, 2023
Our buddy Redford. Would recognize him anywhere. Nanny
- Nanny on December 28, 2022
Ben. Great job. Knew it was you right away. I’m very impressed and so is Papa. Love you Nanny
- Nanny on December 28, 2022
Wow. Detail is amazing. Good job
- Nanny on November 2, 2022
Good job Ben. Love seeing your creativity.
- Nanny on November 2, 2022
Love this one. So intricate. Looks like a maze and in my favorite Tiffany blue. Marilyn
- Nanny on June 15, 2022
Good job Ben. I have been following your art work and I think you have a lot of talent. I also enjoy reading your description and thoughts behind the work. Marilyn
- Nanny on June 15, 2022
Well done Ben!
- Tamara (Mother) on January 19, 2021
Excellent work. I think you did a great job on this.
- Tamara (Mother) on December 16, 2020
Really neat pic Ben and embraces one of your passions.
- Tamara (Mother) on November 17, 2020
Lots of bike rides this summer. Love the pic- well done!!
- Tamara (Mother) on October 5, 2020