Stella5849's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Stella5849's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You are an amazing artist! Also, I love your “kind” message.
- Grammy Tammy on December 9, 2020
That pie looks yummy! Love this one Stella, great job!
- Nana on November 11, 2020
Wonderful self portrait Stella! Very creative idea, mask on mask off. This makes me smile, love all the colors ??
- Nana on November 11, 2020
This is such a great drawing Stella! So proud of you.
- Auntie on November 11, 2020
WOW!! This looks wonderful!! I’m so proud of you. What a beautiful drawing, Stella.
- Cayla (Mother) on November 4, 2020
Love this Halloween drawing, it looks spooky & fun!
- Nana on November 4, 2020
You’re an artist!! So talented.
- Mommy on November 4, 2020