17688's Comments (42)

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Below are comments about 17688's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow, these are really good fish that you drew Blake! Reminds me of the aquarium with pretty colored fish in the fish tank. Great job!
- Nannie on May 11, 2024
This is a funny picture! It makes me laugh to see that guy lifting weights! Is that supposed to be your dad? Or is it you? Or maybe Nannie Bird! Heeheeheee
- Nannie on May 11, 2024
Wow. Blake! How neat this is! Is that a frog? Neat! Love Mommy
- Tori (Mother) on March 19, 2024
Hey Blake, I just saw your picture of the heart with all of the colorful dots and dashes around it. What a cool design! Where did you come up with that? I like how you’re using your imagination. You are a good artist! I sure love you!
- Nannie on February 28, 2024
Blake, I really like your pumpkin! I love how you drew eyelashes on the eyes. It’s makes your pumpkin look so happy. The colors you chose are nice and bright.
- Nanny Bird on October 25, 2023
Wow Blake! That looks so pretty! I love your pumpkin!
- Mommy on October 19, 2023
Blake, I love this picture you drew and colored with chalk. The trees and grass and clouds are all so colorful! And you know I love the giraffe and lion!!
- Nannie Bird on June 15, 2023
Oh Blake! I love this picture you drew of the flowers and the sun. And it looks like it may be raining to help the flowers grow so pretty! What a happy picture. I hope you draw a picture like that for me to hang up at my house! Your flowers look so happy!
- Nannie Bird on March 19, 2023
Hi Blake I do like your picture very much! The blue background makes the snow really show up…it is a very good snowman and I like the cars going down the street….. the only problem is I am now ready for spring and hear and see you play baseball.. so I would like to ask you to also make me a spring one too… you really do well and I am so very proud of you!
- Mommom on February 24, 2023
Hi Blake… this is an interesting picture of a snow flake..when we look closely we can see they are different sizes and shapes. You did a good job on your snow flake.. it won’t be long before we will be seeing real frozen ones. I love all the different art projects you have made.!??you make me very happy and proud of you! I love you !!!!?? ??Mommom
- Mommom on December 14, 2022
Hi Blake! I just saw the picture you made of the castle and the dragon! Wow, here were even 2 knights on top of the dragon while he was trying to get into the castle. I liked all the different color squares you cut out. I didn't even know you knew about castles and dragons. We'll have to talk about it the next time I see you!
- Nannie Bird on November 19, 2022
Hi Blake. That sure is a nice shaped Jack-0-lantern .It looks like you used scissors to make some of it.. you did a nice job matching the eyes and the rest of the pumpkin .. Your pictures look very good and I can tell you enjoy art.!
- Mom mom on November 5, 2022
Blake like this picture of the leaves starting to turn colors in the fall….The man looks like he will be ready to rake the leaves. I liked the tricky way you made the trunk of the tree! Did you trace your arm and fingers??? This is a very good picture…
- Mom mom on November 5, 2022
Hi Blake… This is really a pretty picture! It is so nice to see the bright colors that you used!I see a house and lots of colorful things.. I guess the school year is almost over… so you will have to do some art this summer for us to see!! I really did enjoy seeing all your pictures! Love you very much and keep up the good work!!Mommom????????
- Mommom on June 22, 2022
Hi Blake… looks like another good picture from you but this one looks like it is a special one for Father’s Day! I see your Dad and all the things he needs for work.., I am sure he will like seeing this! Keep up with your great pictures and you know I look forward to seeing them! Love you very much and your happy face …. ???????? Mommom
- Mommom on June 8, 2022
Hi Blake… This piece of art is something very different to me. I have never done anything like this before. Was it fun doing this and gathering some herbs from the school garden and making this? Could you smell all the different herbs? Maybe we can get some herbs from Nannies garden and you can show us how you did it!!!! I love the fact you try all these different things in art class…. You make me very happy ! Love you ??????Mommom
- Mommom on May 18, 2022
Hi Blake.. this is a different piece of artwork!! I love the fish flag…. Was that fun to do? That might be a good project for you to make at home and hang out next to your swings where your animals are!! I get excited to see all the things you make.??Love You Mommom
- Mommom on May 18, 2022
Wow Blake this is a different project and I like it!! The sun makes us think of summertime and all the fun we have!!! Love the way you curled the paper so it looks like sun rays…was that fun to do??? With to different colored eyes it is like the sun is ?? winking and saying we will have lots of picnics and games to play! It makes me so proud of all the different art work you have done. I love you very much ?? Mommom
- Mommom on April 5, 2022
Hi Blake. That is a scary monster with his long fingernails and long arms and legs… But even though he is scary you made him in nice bright red and blue colors…… Is that you standing next to the monster or is it a friend or a cousin? Keep making all kinds of pictures as I do like seeing them! Love you very much! ????????Mommom
- Mommom on March 23, 2022
Hi Blake. You certainly did a nice job on your art project! I liked all the different colors you used and you did welll staying in the lines of your picture.?? Is there one color that you use that is your favorite? I am glad you like to do artwork as it is fun! Love you and your happy smile! Mommom ??
- Mommom on March 16, 2022
Blake, what a cool picture of you and CJ playing outside of your house! What were you guys playing? The 2 of you look like you’re having fun! I love the smiling faces in the windows too. Is that mommy and Jameson waving and watching you play? Your house sure looks like a happy house! I love you!
- Nannie on February 25, 2022
Ah Blake! I love this!!! Nice job!
- Tori (Mother) on February 17, 2022
Hi Blake.. I love the nice bright rainbow that you drew.. you always use nice bright colors.. the person under the rainbow seems to be enjoying it.. is that you are someone else you know… Keep making those nice pictures and I think I will try drawing one like it too!!! Proud of you and all the things you do in art! Love you Mommom??????????
- Mommom(fan) on February 17, 2022
Wow that’s cute Blake! Nice job!!
- Nannie on January 26, 2022
Wow buddy! I love it! Way to go!
- Tori (Mother) on January 25, 2022
Wow buddy! That looks so cool!! I love it
- Tori (Mother) on January 14, 2022
Blakey, what a great picture! Where did you find all of those colorful buttons? I love decorating with buttons! So did you have sonic on your Christmas tree? I didn’t see it…I love you buddy ????
- Nannie on January 6, 2022
Oh I like this big castle made with different shapes that you cut out.. You used colors too so that it is nice to look at…It was interesting that you made 2 tall towers with different color for each roof.. It makes you wonder how many people would live in a place that big and if they had animals in there too..It has been fun for me to see all the many kinds of pictures you have made… Keep making more great pictures!!!
- Mommom on November 5, 2021
This is a great picture.. I liked the way you made all the different shapes to make the robots and then used lots of colors too.. this is a very good picture and is fun to think about robots.. I am so proud of seeing all the different pictures you are making.??love Mommom
- Mommom on October 6, 2021
Hi Blake… is this guy someone I know? He looks like he might be thinking of kicking the soccer ball. He has big teeth that are white so he must brush his teeth every day..hey Blake is that a picture of you? I like that it is big so I can see the eyes ,ears and hair!!????keep having fun in art..love Mommom?????
- Mommom on October 6, 2021
Hi Blake… you are really busy doing all of these pictures.. I like that you use a variety of colors on your pictures.. this picture has faces With hair and ears and big eyes.. are they pictures of your friends in school? The writing looks like lots of M’s… Were you writing my name Mommom??? Well I do like it and the design in the middle of the picture!! I will be watching for more art!!?? Love Mommom??
- Mommom on October 6, 2021
Hi Blake This picture has a really tall ladder!!! If you went to the top where would you go..?? I like the purple color as it is a good color for the ladder… I also like the other colors of yellow and brown … I think you have a good time in art.. and I love seeing them..??Mommom
- Mommom on October 6, 2021
The pinwheel is so good! I like that you used different colors too.. I didn’t know you could do something like that .. maybe sometime when we do art together you can show me how to do that as I have never done that! Keep up the good work!????Mommom
- Mommom on October 6, 2021
Hi Blake… I really enjoy seeing your art work! I like the frame that you put around your picture so it makes your picture stand out.. you put a nice background of different colors that I liked.. but the best part is the center where you put several colors together in the center to make the the bright pink and purple colors… it makes me smile when I look at it. Artwork is so much fun and you do such a good job! ???????? Mommom
- Mommom on October 6, 2021
Wow buddy! Is this daddy’s excavator in the back yard taking down all the trees for his new building? You are such a great artist! I love it!!!
- Tori (Mother) on October 4, 2021
Wow Blake!!! This is awesome!
- Tori (Mother) on September 28, 2021
What a lovely tree Blake. Whose that under your tree, Luna? Is that the tree she climbs in the back yard? I love all of your art work??.
- Nannie bird on September 28, 2021
I love this guy! He’s got 2 big ears and it looks like a big front tooth… heeheeehee. He’s crazy looking! Please don’t tell me that’s a picture of me!
- Nannie bird on September 28, 2021
Wow Blake, I can’t believe you can make pinwheels! I hope you can come over to my house and show me how to make one. I would love it!
- Nannie bird on September 28, 2021
Blake your frog on a lily pad looks super awesome! I love his smile and the way you made his big eyes! The water looks pretty the way you made the yellow and blue brush marks. You are a super good artist like your mommy! Love Nannie Bird ??
- Nannie Bird on September 28, 2021
I Love this beautiful rainbow you made! The colors are so pretty ??
- Nannie on April 6, 2021
Whoa Buddy! This is really cool! I love it! Love Mama
- Tori (Mother) on March 30, 2021