Isiah71's Comments (34)

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Below are comments about Isiah71's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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- on March 24, 2009
Wow!!! This is awesome and so are you...Mrs.P.
- on March 24, 2009
WOW awesome work I was wondering to put in a art museum
- on March 24, 2009
what a beautiful art work. keep it up honey. i'm so proud of you.
- on November 20, 2008
i'm so excited to see your upcoming piece.
- on November 20, 2008
what an artist! keep it up?
- on November 20, 2008
how did you do that? can you teach me? i love it.
- on November 20, 2008
this so beautiful. i would like to see the original.
- on November 20, 2008
wow, I love it!
- on May 14, 2008
this is beautiful.
- on May 14, 2008
wow, i love it
- on March 26, 2008
Isaiah, this piece is really cool :) it king of reminds of the Ninja Turtles. I can't wait to see it in person when I go back home! -Love always, Ate Michelle
- on March 26, 2008
i love it.
- on March 26, 2008
this is so cool. i like it. keep it up honey!
- on March 2, 2008
Isaiah!!! Your art work is so cool! :) I really like this one, it really came out well to look like a bird. ^_________^ Keep up the awesome work! This is my new favorite! Love always, from ur favorite big cousin on your dad's side, ~Ate Michelle~
- on February 26, 2008
i love it.... you're such an artist. keep it up!
- on February 26, 2008
this is incredible. i want a t shirt with this art on it.
- on February 6, 2008
awesome artwork, absolutely excellent work
- on December 13, 2007
this is fabulous!
- on December 12, 2007
Wow! I love it. Congratulations
- on December 9, 2007
Wow! This is beautiful. I want to meet the artist. Good Luck.
- on November 10, 2007
this is fabulous...i love it...
- on November 10, 2007
Isaiah is an excellent artist. This is an awesome job
- on November 6, 2007
next time draw me, ate carla & neyko!! we miss you! Fr: kuya Ron and family
- on October 14, 2007
Hi There! Good Job on this! show me more designs! take care! talk to you later!!
- on October 14, 2007
Hi I saw your artwork by chance. I like it and it's so unique.
- on October 10, 2007
Isaiah, thanks for showing us your artwork,you are an artist! more power to you. auntie Gemma of California
- on October 8, 2007
hi isaiah your great congratulations keep it up- uncle dexter
- on October 6, 2007
Awesome! Keep up the good work.
- on October 6, 2007
nice job. i would like to see more art work. congratulations!
- on October 5, 2007
THis is the best art I have seen
- on October 5, 2007
Lovely. I like the colors. Keep it up, Isaiah!
- on October 5, 2007
that was very clever isaiah. im so proud of you. way to go!
- on October 5, 2007
this art is so unique and awesome. i would like to see more from this artist...
- on October 5, 2007