HannahS7's Comments (82)

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Below are comments about HannahS7's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Hannah, What an awesome cutout! It is so colorful and it looks like an intricate dseign to me! I would like to know how you did it. Perhaps you can show me sometime. Thanks so much for sharing your artwork with us..it always brightens our day when we get see your creativity. Love you bunches!!!! Papa & Grandmama
-- Judy
- on April 20, 2010
Hannah, This is wonderful! I love the colors you used. Congratulations on being a big sister!
-- Holly
- on April 20, 2010
Dear Hannah, This picture does not surprise me at all with how good it looks. It looks like your mother with long hair, and the butterfly hair bow is so you! I just love the picture. You are so creative and I am always amazed at your creativity and all your different creations. You really have a lot of talent. I'm glad you enjoy art...you are very good at it. I love you..."to the moon and back". Nana
- on May 20, 2009
Dear Hannah, We just love your picture of your mama. It must have been before she had all of her hair cut shorter. The butterfly on her hair is wonderful! You are truly so talented and we love seeing all of your art work. Thanks for sharing with us. It always brightens our day when we see some of your art. We love you bunches and bunches!!! Papa & Grandmama
- on May 20, 2009
Hannah, You are so talented. I love this cat, especially her face. You did a wonderful job.I want you to do one of Annie when you have a chance!
- on May 13, 2009
Dear Hannah, I love this picture of the cat. It looks like the fur is real and so soft if I touched it. This cat is so cool and has class. It reminds me of a cat I had for a pet when my sister and I were little girls named Mittens. You are definitely getting better and better. No doubt about it you have lots of artistic talent and I'm glad you are getting to use it and explore new ways of art. You are fantastic honey. Keep up the good work. I love you, Nana
- on April 17, 2009
Dear Hannah, Boy, your cat sure is fantastic! Those green eyes look absolutely real, like the cat is looking right at you! The stripes on the fur are just like a real cat and the whiskers add so much character. You really are a wonderful artist and we are amazed at how beautifully you draw. Thanks for sharing your work with us, so we can see what your are doing in art class. We love you bunches & bunches, PaPa & Grandmama
- on April 17, 2009
Hannah, This is such a good picture of a cat. You are a great artist! Everytime you have a new work published, it just gets better and better. I love you! Mama
- on April 17, 2009
Great job, Hannah! You'll have to tell me sometime how you drew this. I especially like how real the stripes look. - Jeremy
- on April 17, 2009
Hannah: This picture is so beautiful! You are a wonderful artist, and I am so proud of you! Thank you for sharing your work with me. I love you, Pop
- on April 17, 2009
Hannah: Beautiful drawing and great blending blue and purple background! = Awesome! Ms. H.
- on March 4, 2009
Hannah: This might be your most beautiful work so far. Thank you so much for sharing it with me. I love you and I am so proud of you. Pop
- on February 27, 2009
Dear Hannah, Thank you so much for sharing your art work with us. We are just amazed at your talent and ability to produce such awesome art pieces. How did you make such a wonderful bird with so much detail? It must have taken a long time to finish it. We love you so much and we are so proud of you!!! Oodles & oodles of love, Papa & Grandmama
- on February 27, 2009
Hannah - Thank you for sharing this drawing with me. I really like the color contrast between the brown and purple. Great job! - Uncle Jeremy
- on February 27, 2009
Dear Hannah, What an awesome dragon! We are amazed at all of your art work. You definitely have a wonderful eye for art. Thanks for sharing your picture with us. We probably would not be able to see them if they were not on the computer. Love you bunches, Papa & Grandmama
- on February 1, 2009
Hannah: Your artwork keeps getting more beautiful. You are so talented. I don't know how you do it, but I hope some day you will teach me how to be an artist. I love you, Pop
- on February 1, 2009
Dear Hannah, This is so incredible!! I think you're personality really shows in this dragon! The dragon looks so happy and that is exactly what I would imagine you to make a dragon look like. You are an incredible artist. There is a lot more talent inside that cute little body of yours just waiting to come out on paper. Keep up the good work. I love you so much..."more than the moon"!!! Nana
- on February 1, 2009
Hannah: Beautiful! Excellent choices, overall design, with extra care to detail = an awesome dragon! Ms. H.
- on February 1, 2009
Hannah, You are such a good artist! I am so proud of you. It always amazes me when I see one of your new pieces. One day some of your work might be hanging in a museum somewhere. Keep up all the beautiful work! Love, Mama
- on January 25, 2009
Dear Hannah, What a wonderful picture of your rocket ship in outer space! The ship is so pretty and you really did an awesome job with the stars and planets. Just where is the rocket going? Please keep sending us all of your beautiful artwork!! Lots of love, Papa & Grandmama
- on January 24, 2009
Dear Hannah, This is incredible!! You are so talented and I am constantly amazed at your talent and creativity. I just love this picture of space. I especially like the glitter coming from the rocket. That was a stroke of genius on your part, but I am not suprised at the things you create to make your picture look so real. This was great and you did a good job of capturing God's handiwork in your own way. I love you, Nana
- on January 24, 2009
Hannah! I love looking at this beautiful spaceship swirling through the solar system - especially the way you designed the sun!!! Ms. H.
- on January 24, 2009
Hannah: This is so good! I can't believe what a good artist you are! Please keep sending me your work. I am so proud of you and I love you so much. Pop
- on January 24, 2009
Dear Hannah, I just love this picture. Your happy personality shines through the picture with the colorful bugs. Only you could make a bug look pretty. I definitely like your bugs better than the ones at our house. Keep up the good work, honey. I love you...Lots! Nana
- on January 14, 2009
Wow! Your artwork keeps getting better and better. You are quite an artist! I love you. Pop
- on January 14, 2009
I love this picture! It is so colorful and beautiful! Thank you for letting me see it. I love you, Pop
- on November 3, 2008
Hannah - We really like this painting. Pollock is one of our favorite painters, and we like how you patterned your painting after his style. Great job! -- Jeremy & Alisa
- on November 3, 2008
Dear Hannah, What a colorful marble art work! Isn't it so amazing how you roll a marble around in colors and come up with such a fantastic piece of art? Just using red, blue, and yellow can make so many wonderful colors. Thanks for sharing your work with us. You truly have an amazing artistic talent. Love you bunches & bunches, Papa & Grandmama
- on October 14, 2008
Hannah: Your artwork is so colorful and so beautiful! Thank you for letting me see it. I am so proud of you. Pop
- on October 14, 2008
Hannah, I am so excited that your work is once again on Artsonia. You are such a talented artist and I look forward to seeing all of your work again this year! I love you. Mama
- on September 1, 2008
Dear Hannah, Well you are starting off the school year with some more wonderful artwork. Your Art Book cover is so beautiful and I love all the bright and cheery colors! I hope that you have the most wonderful year in art and I am looking forward to seeing all of your amazing art pieces. Oodles of love, Grandmama
- on September 1, 2008
Hi Hannah, I was so happy to see your art work pop up again on my computer. I have missed that while you were on summer vacation. This is soooo cool and I love the picture. Where is this on your way to school? I would love to learn more about it sometime. It reminds me of something I used to see close to my house when I was a little girl growing up. I will have to tell you about it. Keep up the good work. You are absolutely fantastic, not just as an artist, but as a student, granddaughter, big sister, niece, daughter, great-grandaughter and a friend. I love you dearly. Nana
- on September 1, 2008
Hannah: You are such a good artist, and I am so proud of you. Thank you for sharing your work with me. I love you, Pop
- on September 1, 2008
Hannah - We love the way you balanced the flower on the left of the page with the background on the right. And your choice of colors was perfect. Keep up the great work! -- Jeremy & Alisa
- on May 6, 2008
Hannah, This painting is so beautiful! I just can't believe that you did this by yourself. I could not paint anything like this. I guess you get your artistic talent from your Daddy. I am so proud of you! You must be the best artist in second grade. I love you! Love, Mama
- on May 6, 2008
I love this!! It is beautiful, just like you!! Thanks for sharing it with me!! Pop
- on May 5, 2008
Dear Hannah, What a beautiful butterfly! Is all of this done with tissue paper? I sure hope this will be one of the pieces at the Art Show on Monday evening. Papa and I are really excited about coming to your Art Show. You have such a wonderful artistic gift and we really love seeing all of your art work!! Love you sooooo much!!!! Papa & Grandmama
- on May 5, 2008
Hi Hannah, This is a really cool picture. I just don't quite understand how you made this butterfly with tissue paper, but it is beautiful. Your colors are "Just so you!" Is there anything that you cannot draw??? I don't think so. You are getting better and better all the time. I'm so proud of you and what you are doing. Love you lots, Nan
- on May 5, 2008
Hannah, I am amazed at your artwork and your are even more amazing!! You are the greatest and best artist I know. I really believe you can draw anything you want to. This owl is incredible. Wish I could draw as good as you can. Maybe one day you can give me lessons. I love you...lots! Nan
- on May 5, 2008
Hannah - We can't wait to hear how you made this. We think it is fantastic! - Jeremy & Alisa
- on May 5, 2008
Wow, Hannah! You've done a great job with this owl. I'm excited to see more drawings soon. Love, Jeremy & Alisa
- on April 7, 2008
Wow! I can't believe how good this is! Your work keeps getting better and better. I love the artwork and the artist. Pop
- on April 7, 2008
As usual, your work is fabulous! Thank you for sharing it with me. See you soon. I love you, Pop
- on April 7, 2008
Hannah, I work at the church with your Nana. I really like your bunny picture. It makes me excited about the beginning of spring and reminds me of Easter. Keep up the great work! Laura Shelley
- on April 7, 2008
Dear Hannah, I think every time you create a picture I say, "This one is my favorite". I like this one because it reminds me of Spring and Easter. You are definitely my little "butterfly and flower child", and you always bring a breath of fresh air to me when I see you...just like Springtime. I love you so much, I'm extremely proud of you and can't wait until I see you again and we get to cuddle and tickle. Love you for always, "Nana"
- on April 7, 2008
Dear Hannah, What a beautiful bunny! We really like your butterfly, too! You continue to amaze us with all of your artistic ability. This picture really shows the beautiful spring season. Keep up all of your good work in art. We are so proud of you and we love you very much!! Papa & Grandmama
- on April 7, 2008
Hannah - Great job! I love the way you used so many different colors and shades in this picture. Keep up the good work! - Jeremy
- on April 7, 2008
Dear Hannah, I see you have been busy again with more interesting artwork. I am just amazed at how many ideas must be floating around in your head. You are so creative and I know your teacher thinks so too. You are just amazing!!! Thank you for sharing this new piece of artwork with us. I am looking forward to seeing another one very soon. I love you, Nana
- on February 4, 2008
Hannah: Your artwork is amazing! I wish I could do the kind of artwork you can do, but all I can do is draw a Santa Claus with a 2 on top of a 5. I love you, Pop
- on February 4, 2008
Dear Hannah, What a beautiful picture! We are so happy that you are able to share your art work with us. Now we can see a lot of things you are drawing and all that you are learning to do. Can't wait to see your next piece of Art!!! Lots of love, Papa and Grandmama
- on January 28, 2008
I did this picture because it reminds me of the beach. It also reminds me of the time my Dad broke his collar bone and on that same night, the key to the beach house was not there. We left it on the beach. Thank you for looking at my artwork. Hannah
- on January 14, 2008
Hannah - I really like the way you used your colors in this picture. It reminds me of the paintings Jackson Pollock made that are now hanging in famous museums all over the world. Great job! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your artwork soon. Love, Uncle Jeremy
- on January 3, 2008
Hannah, this picture is brilliant. You draw like a professional. I would pay $10,000 dollars for this picture. I especially love the colors of the sun. Michaelangelo, Leonardo, and Ms. Hazzard could only dream of creating something this beautiful. This is like the Hannah Montana of artwork. Great job. Daddy.
- on January 3, 2008
Hannah: This is a beautiful piece of artwork! Excellent job! Ms. Hazzard
- on January 3, 2008
Hannah: Your artwork is so colorful and so lovely! Thank you so much for letting me see it. I am so proud of you and the work you do. Pop
- on January 3, 2008
Dear Hannah, Maybe of all our art, I like this one the best. When I look at it, it reminds me of the beach. The lighthouse, the seagulls, the sunset and the ocean all make me feel so warm and right now it is a cold, cold December day. I think I will transfer this picture to my computer screensaver so I can look at it all winter long and stay warm. You have such a busy mind to think of so many interesting and different art pictures. I'm so thankful you are able to share your work with us. Keep up the good work next year in school. I love you sooooooooooo much!!! Nana
- on January 3, 2008
Dear Hannah, What a wonderful picture! I really like the lighthouse in the background. The sun rise is so beautiful. You are such a great artist and your pictures have such wonderful colors in them. It looks to us as if you really enjoy art and you are sooooo talented! We are so proud of you!! Lots of love, Papa and Grandmama
- on January 3, 2008
Dear Hannah, Thanks so much for publishing another wonderful art picture! It looks as if you did some weaving of colors in the paper. The star is so great and it reminds me of the star that the shepheerds followed to the manger. Thanks for putting it on artsonia. We love you bunches and bunches!!!! Papa and Grandmama
- on December 19, 2007
Dear Hannah, You are so busy in art. This is a great picture for Christmas with the star of Bethlehem in the middle of the picture. How do you come up with so many interesting ideas? Your mind must always be thinking of new pictures to draw and make. Your art just keeps getting better and better. I love you...lots and lots!!! Nana
- on December 19, 2007
Hannah: I can't believe how how beautiful your artwork is! This is really cool. I'm so glad I got to see it. Pop
- on December 19, 2007
Hannah: Awesome paint design! Ms. Hazzard
- on December 3, 2007
Hannah: You did an excellent paint design on this side, too! Ms. Hazzard
- on December 3, 2007
Another talented artist from Plain Elementary!
- on December 3, 2007
Dear Hannah, What a beautiful picture! I really like the way you made the background with so many wonderful colors. It makes the ship stand out so well in your picture. Just keep all of your good work in Art. You truly are a famous artist!!! We love you soooooooo much!!! Papa & Grandmama
- on November 28, 2007
Dear Hannah, You cannot imagine how happy I was to see you had another piece of art just waiting for me to see this morning on my computer. What a great Thanksgiving picture and a reminder of what Thanksgiving is all about with a picture of the pilgrims ship!! You are doing great work in art and I am so excited for you. Does it take a long time to do pictures like this? Maybe you could make me a picture to frame for Christmas and then sign it. I would just love that. Pop thinks you are great too and both of us love you a lot. Nana
- on November 28, 2007
I wish I could do artwork like this! This is beautiful, and I love it! You are so smart and so talented. I love you, Pop
- on November 28, 2007
Hi Hannah, I just love this art picture that you painted. It reminds me of a georgous butterfly. You are an incredible artist. You really are talented. I can hardly wait to see your next painting. I bet one day I will have a beautiful framed picture of yours in my home. Keep up the good work darling. I love you!! Nana
- on November 12, 2007
Dear Hannah, It seems as though you are continuing to make excellent art pictures every time you have Art class. It is so great that we get to see all of your beautiful work on Artsonia. Thanks for sharing all of your work with us! You are doing such a wonderful job and we are so proud of you!!! How did you make this one? You are definitely going to have to give us some art lessons!! We love you bunches!!! PaPa and Grandmama
- on November 12, 2007
Hannah: This is beautiful! I love it! And I am so proud of you. Thank you for letting me see your work. I love you, Pop
- on November 12, 2007
Dear Hannah, WOW!! You have another beautiful picture on the internet. We are so proud of you and all of your beautiful artwork! All of the colors look so wonderful together. We were just wondering how you actually painted the picture. Would you mind teaching us how to paint? We love you lots and lots!!!! Papa and Grandmama
- on November 12, 2007
Hannah: Your artwork is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with me. I love you, Pop
- on November 12, 2007
Dear Hannah, I love this art work. You used so many colors and it makes me feel happy when I look at it. I want to know just how you did this. You are so good at art. I love you, Nana
- on November 12, 2007
Hannah I really love this picture. I bet it took you a really long time to make the beautiful snails. The snails look so happy. You are sooooooooooooooo talented. Love, Uncle Micah
- on November 12, 2007
Hannah, My what a talented young lady you are! I am a friend of your Nana's and she shared your artwork with me. I am so glad she did. It made me smile really big! I love the colors you used. The butterflies are BEAUTIFUL! I especially like the sky and the way the butterflies look so happy!! Keep up the good work! Love, Mrs. Beth
- on October 4, 2007
Hannah, I love your pictures, especially the one of the butterflies! Blue is my favorite color, and your butterflies are so cute. Your Nana and I are first cousins. Her Mother and my Daddy were sister and brother. So you and your family are my cousins too! I enjoyed seeing your picture. Love, Sharon
- on October 4, 2007
Hannah, Your artwork is so pretty. I love the snails and they are so colorful! Thank you for letting your grandmother, Sylvia, share it with me! Holly
- on September 29, 2007
Hannah I love you artwork! It is so beautiful! I love you!
- on September 29, 2007
Dear Hannah, What a surprise to find some of your art on the internet. You must be a famous artist or something! We like the beautiful pictures that you have drawn. Those apples hanging down from the trees were awesome. You used such bright, pretty colors in both pictures. How did you draw those gorgeous snails in your picture? You are such a wonderful artist! We can't wait to see more of your pictures real soon. We love you!!!!! Papa & Grandmama
- on September 29, 2007
Dear Hannah: Your work is so beautiful, just like you! Thank you for sharing your work with me. I love you, Pop
- on September 29, 2007
Dear Hannah, Your mom just called and told me about your art work being posted on line. I was thrilled and so excited when I saw what you had drawn. You are an awesome artist!! I want to order some cards with the picture of the butterflies on the front to write notes to some of my friends. Then they can see how good you are too. I'm happy you are drawing and have such a great teacher. Keep up the good work. I will keep a check to see if you have any more pictures posted. You are GREAT!! I love you...lots and lots! Nana
- on September 29, 2007
Hannah, I work with your Nana. I love your artwork! You are so talented! Keep it up, Laura Shelley
- on September 29, 2007
Hannah, This is such a beautiful picture! You are very talented and very creative. I love you! Mama
- on September 29, 2007