Samuel23732's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Samuel23732's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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That is great, Samuel! It has one of my favorite colors on it! Very nice.
- grandma Sharon on June 6, 2024
That is great, Samuel! It has one of my favorite colors on it! Very nice.
- grandma Sharon on June 6, 2024
Very creative, Samuel. Good job!
- Grandma Sharon on June 6, 2024
Your designs on your artwork are very interesting and creative! I like it very much!
- grandma sharon on June 30, 2023
I think your artwork is so neat! I love the colors. It looks like jelly fish!
- grandma sharon on March 28, 2023
- Maria (Mother) on January 26, 2023
Your artwork is so cool!
- grandma sharon on January 26, 2023
Your drawing is so cool! You are a talented young man!!
- grandma sharon on November 29, 2022
That is so cool! I love the colors. It looks native american to me. Very nice.
- grandma sharon on October 28, 2022
That is so cool! It really looks like I'm looking up through glass at this person.
- Maria (Mother) on April 7, 2022
That is so neat, Samuel! Good job!
- grandma sharon on March 23, 2022
That is so neat, Samuel! Good job! grandma Sharon
- grandma sharon on March 23, 2022
Wow, Samuel! Such a neat drawing!!
- grandma sharon on February 23, 2022
I really like this one. That is one sneaky mouse!
- Maria (Mother) on February 15, 2022
Wow Samuel. This picture is amzing.
- Maria (Mother) on February 15, 2022
I absolutely love your picture, Samuel!
- grandma sharon on January 20, 2022
Samuel, Your artwork is so great! I am sure a lot of thought and hard work went into it. It is a very interesting piece of work! Good job!! Grandma Sharon
- Sharon on November 1, 2021