I love your Halloween black cat. You did a great job making your picture look Halloween spooky. Love, Dawn and Nataleigh
- Dawn Ford on December 23, 2020
FORD, Your snowman picture is excellent! I love all the detail. Keep working hard in school. Love, Cousins Dawn and Nataleigh
- Dawn Ford on December 23, 2020
Hey Sweetheart, That surely is a great snowman.You are doing so good with your artwork and I can't wait to see your next masterpiece. I also can't wait to see you !!! NLYLY, Granny
- Granny on December 14, 2020
Your snowman is great! I love your imagination and YOU! I love you! Mommy
- Kelly (Mother) on December 8, 2020
Ford - My favorite little nephew. I love your black cat drawing. It is excellent. You are really good at this art stuff. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see the next drawing. Love you, Uncle Kris
- Kris(fan) on November 21, 2020
Great job Bud!! Mommy loves you!
- Kelly (Mother) on November 18, 2020
Hey Sweetheart, I sent a comment last night, but I can't see that it posted. I just want you to know how proud I am of you for this great artwork and for everything you do. Keep working hard and I can't wait to see your next masterpiece. I love you so much I hope to see you real soon. Be sweet and hurry up and feel better. Nobody loves you like your, Granny
- Granny(fan) on November 18, 2020
Hey Sweetheart, Granny is so very proud of you and I think you are showing a lot of natural talent. Keep trying real hard and I can't wait to see your next artwork, you're really doing good. I love you so much. Be a sweet boy and can't wait to see you. Granny