Kaitlyn16185's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about Kaitlyn16185's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I am so impressed with your artwork, it is beautiful. I can see your personality in it with the use of colours to express your feelings and personality. Great work pumpkin, you are my SSG
- papa on June 5, 2024
Great artwork!
- Joshua on April 24, 2024
This is beautiful love bug!
- Joshua on April 24, 2024
Great job I see you have perspective and colour down quite well. Good Job. miss you.
- Michael on April 24, 2024
What a beautiful self-portrait! I love how you highlighted your beautiful brown eyes!
- Jennifer (Mother) on April 2, 2024
Love Kaitlyn’s use of color and attention to detail. I am also very impressed with her self portrait. It is evident how much Kaitlyn appreciates the ability to express herself through her art.
- Mary on April 17, 2024
Great job I can see you in the picture.
- Michael on April 17, 2024
great job that is why you are my "SSG"
- Michael on February 14, 2024
I like it, love the shape and colour , not sure but it looks like a frog playing football. But as you know i can't see very good. love you pumpkin.
- Michael on February 14, 2024
Looks good, wish I was on there coming to see you.
- Michael on May 3, 2023
Love your colourful fruit bowl, the fruit looks good enough to eat now if it was a bowl of vegetables I couldn't say the same.
- Michael on May 3, 2023
Like how you separated all the colours into different shapes, very nice .
- Michael on March 29, 2023
Looks like that might have been your favourite ride on your last trip. I closed my eyes when I went through it with your mom.
- Michael(fan) on February 22, 2023
What a great rendition of your favorite ride! So many fun memories with you on this including the blackout for Halloween! Keep up the great work sweetheart!
- Jennifer (Mother) on February 14, 2023
Love all of your art and in particular the story behind it!
- Jennifer (Mother) on December 13, 2022
That is a very nice job of colour selection Kaitlyn, good work.
- Michael on May 25, 2022
Very good etching Kaitlyn I like the different way you got the mirror image
- Michael on May 25, 2022
You have captured their emotions in colour very well Kaitlyn, keep up the great work.
- Michael on March 30, 2022
Beautiful job sweetheart. I love all of the different colours you used. Keep up the great work!
- Jennifer (Mother) on February 15, 2022
Can't hear you on this one sweetie gotta speak up.
- Michael (papa) on June 2, 2021
is that orange and blueberry or is there a bubblegum and pine cone flavour in there? Good work.
- Michael (papa) on June 2, 2021
I like the shapes you put onto the walls and the way they go around the hut.
- Michael (papa) on June 2, 2021
They are beautiful, hope you can plant your sunflowers again this year.
- Michael (papa) on June 2, 2021
Well I like the idea of flying with the rainbows and the unicorn shoes, good job
- Michael (papa) on June 2, 2021
Great job Kaitlyn, lovely colours
- Michael on June 2, 2021
Great work Kaitlyn! Your picture is very colourful. Great use of lines to create texture. Please save one of your masterpieces for display here in Canada :)
- Mike (Father) on April 3, 2021