Lucy8461's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Lucy8461's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beautiful! Reminds me of spring.
- Daddy on March 8, 2023
Great Job Lucy on your recent artwork! I love the world and how you are caring about it in the picture. Keep it up!
- Grandma Pat on May 26, 2021
Lucy, Your drawing is very special with all the hearts floating around! Is it a Valentine for someone you love? Love, Grandma Margaret
- Margaret on April 21, 2021
Lucy, Your little worm is munching on that great big apple. Do you think it fell from the apple tree in the orchard? Grandma Margaret
- Margaret on April 21, 2021
Lucy, I love your very happy caterpillar with his big smile and the clouds in the sky. With Love, Grandma Margaret
- Margaret on April 21, 2021
I LOVE this colorful, happy little caterpillar, Lucy!!! You did such a great job! Grammy
- Grammy on March 31, 2021
Lucy - Your masterpiece is beautiful and so colorful! Great job!
- Grandma Pat on March 17, 2021
This is so beautiful, Lucy! I love the rainbow, unicorn - and the rider! Is it you? Nice work!
- Grammy on February 24, 2021
Lucy, I love your picture! So many different colors, like blue, green, pink and purple! Grandma Margaret
- Margaret on January 6, 2021