Tori355's Comments (49)

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Below are comments about Tori355's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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WOW ! I think your overlapping rings are great ! I love this kind of art. Keep up the good work.....
-- Grandpa Joe
- on April 12, 2010
Hi Tori, As you know, cats are my favorite pets. Your kitty looks just like our cat, Shelly. Happy Halloween. Aunt Cindy
- on October 14, 2009
Hello Tori, Your tree, decked out in pink flowers, looks just like the crab apple trees in the church lawn across the street from my house. You did a great job of staying in the lines when you colored the tree bark. I think you must have inherited Grandma Cindy's artistic talent. Happy Spring, Aunt Cindy
- on May 4, 2009
Hi Tori, Your tree reminds me of the gardens Monet painted. Your use of color is wonderful. Keep up the good work. Grandpa likes it, too. Love, Grandma Cindy & Grandpa Joe
- on May 4, 2009
Tori, Good Job! Your Easter chick looks very happy! Love, Grandma Julie
- on May 4, 2009
Dear Tori, I liked all the snow in this picture. Good Job! Love, Grandma Julie
- on February 26, 2009
Dear Tori, Very good work on the pretty Valentine flowers. Very nice! Love, grandma Julie
- on February 26, 2009
Hi Tori, What lovely flowers. Your Valentine flowers look so ready for Spring. Very artistic and good use of design. Love, Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Joe
- on February 26, 2009
WOW !!! What a great Polar Bear !!! Love, Grandpa Joe & Grandma Cindy
- on January 30, 2009
run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man! Merry Christmas, Tori! Love, Aunt Lindy
- on January 13, 2009
Tori everyday it appears that you are getting better with these drawings, keep up the good work. Your friend Jack
- on November 23, 2008
Hi Tori, I really like your owl. Very artistic. She looks just like an owl you would see sitting in a tree outside. See you later. Love, Grandma Cindy
- on November 3, 2008
Well done, Tori. You know I love kitties. Your picture looks a little like our kitty, Shelley. Happy Halloween! Aunt Cindy
- on October 24, 2008
Tori that is a wonderful drawing thanks so much for sending it to me. Jack
- on October 17, 2008
Tori, thanks so much for the Art work it appears that you have a lot of talent, keep up the good work. Your friend Jack
- on October 12, 2008
Hi Tori! Your art skills get better and better each year!!!I can't wait to see more as the school year goes on.... Love, "Aunt Suzie"
- on October 6, 2008
Thank you Tori for sharing your Art work with me it is wonderful to have a friend like you best of luck with your drawings your friend Jack
- on September 26, 2008
Hi Tori, Looks just like a tree in our backyard! It's beautiful. Love, Grandma Cindy & Grandpa Joe
- on September 24, 2008
Your bees look so real I was ready for them to fly right to me! Great job Tori!! Love, Aunt Jackie
- on May 17, 2008
Hi Tori! You must have loved making this piece of art....I know how much you love ducks!!! I love them too!! Love, "Aunt" Suzie
- on May 9, 2008
hi tori, is this a rubber ducky????? Love, Lindy
- on May 7, 2008
Hi Tori! Is he a Caribbean Amphibian? Love, Aunt Lindy
- on April 19, 2008
Hi, Tori! What beautiful spring blossoms! That means summer is on its way, and we can go swimming together soon!!! Love, "Aunt" Suzie
- on April 14, 2008
Tori, Wow! What a ducky duck. You must get your inspiration from your love of ducks. We're so proud of you. Love, Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Joe
- on April 8, 2008
Tori, Your great looking duck would be happy at my house today because it is raining. Ducks love water. I enjoy viewing your artist creations. Aunt Cindy
- on April 4, 2008
Happy Easter, Tori! What a beautifully painted easter egg!!! I'm sure the Easter bunny will be visiting your home soon!! Love, "Aunt Suzie"
- on March 21, 2008
Dear Tori, Your Easter egg is lovely. You chose such pretty colors and the dots are a wonderful finishing touch. Have a happy Easter. Uncle Duck and I are sending a little Easter gift to you. Grandma Bea will takeit home when she visits us on Thursday. Love, Aunt Cindy
- on March 21, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day, Tori!! I have never seen a shamrock mouse before, but he is awfully cute!!! Love, "Aunt Suzie"
- on March 13, 2008
Great mouse Tori! Your shamrock mouse will be great for St Patrick's day. - Love Grandpa Joe and Grandma Cindy
- on March 13, 2008
Tori, you are such a great artist! When I see your jack-in-the-box all I can do is pretend to sing the song and turn the handle!!! It definitely brought a mile to my face!! Love, Aunt Jackie
- on March 5, 2008
Tori, This is the best picture! Panda's are my favorite!!! You are an excellent artist! Love, Aunt Jackie
- on February 6, 2008
Dear Tori, Feeding birds is one of my favorite things to do. I love the BlueJay who is chowing down on seed in your birdfeeder. The nice red roof is keeping the snow off of his pretty blue feathers. You are a talented artist. Love, Aunt Cindy
- on February 3, 2008
Let's Go Pens!!! I love your penguin, Tori!! Love, "Aunt" Suzie
- on January 18, 2008
Happy Feet!
- on January 18, 2008
I've never seen a snowman with "button fly" pants. haha! he would melt here. it's been in the 60s! Love, Lindy
- on January 10, 2008
Hi, Tori! Your gingerbread man looks all decked out for christmas!!! See you soon! Love, "Aunt" Suzie
- on December 12, 2007
Your gingerbread man looks yummy. Are you going to hang him on your Christmas tree? Aunt Cindy
- on December 12, 2007
Hi, Tori! Gobble, Gobble! Makes me feel ready for Turkey Day!!! Love, "Aunt Suzie"
- on November 15, 2007
WOW !!! GREAT TURKEY !!! GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE !!! Love, Grandpa Joe and Grandma Cindy
- on November 15, 2007
Gobble Gobble!
- on November 15, 2007
This is the most adorable turkey I have ever seen!!! Such expression. Tori, you are an amazing 4 year old artist!!! Love, Mom
- on November 14, 2007
Great pumpkin, Tori! Snoopy & Linus would love it! Love Grandma Cindy & Grandpa Joe
- on October 25, 2007
Trick or Treat!! I love your jack-o-lantern, Tori!! Love, "Aunt" Suzie
- on October 24, 2007
I love this pumpkin!! It makes me more and more excited for Halloween to be here!! Love, Aunt Jackie
- on October 24, 2007
I love the black cat!
- on October 18, 2007
Hi Buddy,,, I love your fall tree....... The changing leaves falling to the ground and piling up are so pretty......Keep up the good art work, Love Mom
- on October 16, 2007
Tori, COOL Cat! Love, Grandma Julie
- on October 13, 2007
Tori, I love the black cat! Makes me think of Halloween coming!! Love, Aunt Suzie
- on October 10, 2007
Dear Tori, I love the color red. Your bright red apple looks good enough to eat. I look forward to seeing more of your art work. Love, Aunt Cindy
- on October 5, 2007