Charlotte10858's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Charlotte10858's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Charlotte you have your lollipop with CW on it. I choose the light blue to the left of yours. As always beautiful art drawings.
- Grandma Rose on March 27, 2024
Charlotte you must like lime gummy bears. Very cute!
- Grandma Rose on March 27, 2024
Charlotte your drawing of Rudolph looks very sweet especially with candy cane antlers Very creative. Love it
- Rosemary on December 20, 2023
Very colorful assortment of Xmas ornaments. They would look beautiful on everyone’s Xmas tree.
- Grandma Rose on December 13, 2023
What a beautiful tree. I like your style using so many colors and shapes. Love the cardinal below the tree.
- Grandma Rose on November 1, 2023
Beautiful color choices in your drawing. Many roads leading to a town under a sunset. As always I love your art work Charlotte.
- Grandma Rose on September 27, 2023
Excellent painting. It looks just like the garden when I toured it in Paris. So beautiful,Charlotte.
- Rosemary on May 31, 2023
Charlotte your Virgin Mary looks so beautiful and holy. Mary’s hair is your color and I like her red lips. Very radiant picture.
- Grandma Rose on May 24, 2023
Another beautiful drawing Charlotte. The nutcracker is very centered with a lot of color. I love your art work.
- Rosemary on December 7, 2022
Very spooky haunted house. I like your skeleton running away. Love Grandma Rose
- Rosemary on November 2, 2022
What a wonderfully detailed spooky house Charlotte!
- Anne on November 2, 2022
A bountiful field of pumpkins. Let’s make pumpkin bread and pie. Yum , yum. Always love your artwork. Grandma Rose
- Rosemary on October 19, 2022
I love this Charlotte ! I think it’s my favorite!
- Grandma W on October 19, 2022
Charlotte your collage is very imaginative. It reminds me of the book Where is Waldo where you have to look at each detail carefully. Love, Grandma Rose
- Grandma on September 26, 2022
How beautiful. I loved this fall nature picture How creative to make a bird using a feather for the wings. Love seeing your art. Love Grandma Rose
- Grandma on September 26, 2022
I love this
- Anne(fan) on September 23, 2022
Charlotte your sun drawing is absolutely gorgeous. I can tell you put a lot of thought and time into your art piece. You are an artist and I can’t wait to see more of your art work. Your signature style is the colorful lines you incorporate into your drawings.
- Grandma Rose on November 10, 2021
Very colorful drawing, Charlotte. I like how you overlapped shapes with colorful patterns. A very happy picture, just like you! Love, Grandma Rose
- Grandma Rose on February 17, 2021
Charlotte, I like your big and beautiful snowman. I like how you showed only part of the snowman, and your aab hat pattern and the abab scarf pattern. Love looking at your artwork. Love, Grandma Rose
- Rosemary on January 20, 2021
Charlotte I like your hippo. I like how you patterned the ornaments and scarf. Very special drawing. Grandma Rose
- Grandma Rose on December 30, 2020