Jason17923's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Jason17923's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is amazing! Love, mom
- Amanda (Mother) on April 5, 2022
???? This is so cool, Jason. Love, mom
- Amanda (Mother) on April 5, 2022
This is awesome, buddy! I love it
- Amanda (Mother) on April 5, 2022
Whoa! This is so cool, Jason!! ??
- Amanda (Mother) on May 4, 2021
Jason, this is ahhhh-mazing!!!! ????
- Amanda (Mother) on May 4, 2021
Now THAT is cool! Great looking shark snacks, Jason :)
- Amanda (Mother) on February 24, 2021
Whoa! That looks so cool Jason, awesome!
- Amanda (Mother) on February 24, 2021
This is SO COOL, Jason! I love it! -Mom
- Amanda (Mother) on January 29, 2021